PLA LicenseWatch
Indiana Occupational LicenseWatch

The Professional License Agency (PLA) and Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (ATC) have partnered to bring you LicenseWatch, an online occupational license notification service. LicenseWatch allows entities to track license updates and notice of proceedings for occupational professionals licensed in Indiana.

You can create a profile of licensees to track by following these three steps:

  1. Select Notification Criteria: Professional Occupation, Individual Licensees.
  2. Select the event(s) about which to be notified: Expired License, License Renewal, License Expiration and/or a Change in License Status.
  3. Enter email notification details.

Each day, we will check the status of the licensee(s) you are tracking by searching the PLA MyLicense database for changes to the licensees' records related to licensing or disciplinary proceedings. If a change occurs to an individual's record, an email notification will be sent to the specified email address(es) contained within your tracking profile.

The email notification and report can be sent in HTML or as a text file in CSV format. You can then log on to LicenseWatch to view or manage current and previous notifications.

Fees for this service are based on the number of licensees a profile contains. Monthly fees are adjusted based on the number of licensees actively tracked during a month. Should the number of licensees you are tracking increase, so to will the fee increase. Likewise, if the number decreases, the fee will also decrease. Please note: If you are tracking a licensee category, volumes may fluctuate. Monthly fees will be billed to your accessIndiana subscription. These rates are outlined below:

Number of Licenses Tracking Monthly Price
Less then 25 licenses $15
25 - 100 licenses $30
101 - 400 licenses $50
401 - 1200 licenses $75
1201 - 2000 licenses $100
More than 2000 licenses $150

To use LicenseWatch will need to become an accessIndiana subscriber. Click here to become an accessIndiana subscriber.