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Financial Transparency Project


The Financial Transparency Project was created by House Enrolled Act 1004-2011 through Indiana Code 5-14-3.6. The Act requires Indiana's publicly funded higher education institutions to submit audited financial statements, outstanding debt information, and other public financial documents to the Commission to ensure public access and transparency. Each institution is required to, at a minimum, make the following documents available electronically: purchasing business diversity reports, 100-R personnel reports, operating budget requests, capital budget/item requests, space reports, A-133 federal funds audit report, and academic program requests.

Institution Data

Ball State University

Indiana State University

Indiana University

Ivy Tech Community College

Purdue University

University of Southern Indiana

Vincennes University

Additional Information

  • Funds appropriated by the Indiana General Assembly to each state educational institution are available through the Indiana State Budget Agency's Budget Data Reports.
  • Actual amounts of appropriations expended by each state educational institution are available through the Indiana State Budget Agency's Fiscal Year Close-Out Statements.
  • Outstanding debt data for each state educational institution are available through ICHE's Budget Recommendation Reports.