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Traffic Safety Division

ICJI is responsible for developing and implementing programming designed to reduce the number of people injured and killed each year on Indiana's roadways. We administer state and federal funds awarded to Indiana from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. In this role, ICJI conducts grant management, organizes media campaigns, produces educational/informational materials and coordinates special enforcement efforts with state and local law enforcement agencies.

Buckle Up

Seat belts are the best form of protection on the road. Learn why seat belts are vital to every trip.

Safety Tips 

Seat Belts

Drive Sober

Safety is ICJI’s number one priority. Our mission is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries by educating drivers.

Safety Tips 

Drunk Driving

Don't Drive High

Many types of drugs and medication, both legal and illegal, can impair your ability to drive safely. Distracted Driving

Safety Tips 

Drug-Impaired Driving

Eyes Up. Phone Down.

Distracted driving puts us all at risk. Get the facts, get involved, and help us keep Indiana’s and America’s roads safe.

Safety Tips 

Distracted Driving

Slow Down

The higher the speed, the greater the likelihood of a crash and the degree of crash severity.

Safety Tips 


Drive Alert

Don't be a statistic. Find out what driving drowsy does to you and how you can avoid it.

Safety Tips 

Drowsy Driving

Need help with a child safety seat?

As parents and caregivers, there’s nothing more important than the safety of your child. That includes making sure they’re properly secure in a vehicle. If you have questions about finding the right seat or need help installing one, contact a certified child seat safety technician and schedule an appointment at a fitting station near you.