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Customer Service Center & FAQs

The Customer Service Center offers DNR licenses, permits and maps. The center is at 402 West Washington Street, Room W160A in Indianapolis and is open 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The phone is 317-232-4200 or 877-463-6367. Email:



  • I found an injured, orphaned, or deceased animal on my property and want it removed. Does DNR provide this service?

    Visit this web page for information regarding nuisance animals. For concerns about domesticated animals, such as cats and dogs, contact your county’s local animal control shelter.

  • What should I do if I find a baby wild animal?

    The Indiana DNR does not provide services for injured or orphaned wildlife. Wildlife rehabilitators assist with these situations.

    If you find what appears to be an orphaned animal, first be sure it needs help. Remember:

    • Adult animals rarely abandon their young. The adult may be out of sight gathering food. Leaving young unattended is normal for many species. To minimize discovery by predators, adults may only return a few times a day.
    • Do not hover to see if a parent has come back to their young. An adult animal will not come near their young if a person is standing nearby. Give the young animal space and only check back periodically. If you can’t tell if the mother has checked the nest, place straw or grass over the nest and return later to see if it has been disturbed.
    • Baby animals should not be handled. Though human scent may not cause parents to abandon their young, it can alert predators to the young animal’s presence. They can carry diseases or parasites that may transfer to people. Young animals can also inflict damage by biting or scratching people trying to help.
    • Rescuing young wildlife is legal, keeping them is not. You can rescue truly orphaned and/or injured wild animals without a permit, but the animal must be given to a permitted wildlife rehabilitator within 24 hours. You cannot obtain a wild animal possession permit for a young animal you collected from the wild. Young animals must be turned over to a wildlife rehabilitator who is trained on how to properly raise and release the species.

    For more information, see the Orphaned & Injured Animals web page.

  • What should I do if I find an injured wild animal?

    The first step is determining if it is actually injured. Clear signs of distress include:

    • Bleeding or clear signs of injuries such as bruises, cuts, punctures or broken bones
    • Looks thin, weak, cold or soaking wet
    • Signs of diarrhea
    • Flies, fly eggs, maggots, ticks, lice or fleas have infested the animal

    If a wild animal shows any of these signs and is unable to move or run away effectively, it may be time to call a permitted wildlife rehabilitator for help. View more advice.

    Please note that the Indiana DNR does not provide services for injured or orphaned wildlife. We rely on permitted wildlife rehabilitators to assist with these situations.

  • Where can I report sick or dead wildlife?

    Visit this web page.

  • How can I have a positive wildlife experience at home?

    As populations in urban areas increase, wildlife habitat is radically and rapidly changing. Due to these habitat changes, some wildlife becomes displaced while other wildlife quickly adapts and thrives in human-dominated areas. As people change habitats, there may be increased human-wildlife interactions and they may not always be positive. Wildlife that may take advantage of human resources include raccoons, opossums, coyotes, white-tailed deer, foxes, and a variety of bird species. For more information, visit our website. To keep interactions with wildlife positive, follow these tips:

    • Do not feed wildlife. Remove both food and water sources. Feeding wildlife can potentially habituate animals, disrupt their natural biology, spread disease, facilitate conflict with other wildlife, and can lead to poor diets.
    • Prune tree limbs away from the roof (10 feet away is best) or install a 3-foot wide band of sheet metal (6 feet above the ground) around the trunks of trees which overhang your house (take care not to girdle the tree). This will reduce access to your roof by wildlife.
    • Garbage cans should be kept indoors when possible. Garbage can lids should be locked or tight-fitting to prevent access. Care should be taken to make sure cans are not easily tipped over.
    • Install metal skirting (i.e. strong hardware cloth) around the bottom of a deck to prevent a wild animal from making a den underneath.
    • Provide shelter structures for fish in ornamental ponds and water gardens to provide protective cover. Consider covering the pond during the night with metal screening.
    • Cover window wells with grates or hardware cloth.
    • Seal up holes around and under home foundations to help keep out wildlife. You can bury ¼ inch mesh hardware cloth 1-2 feet deep in places where animals might gain access to your crawl space through digging.
    • Mark large windows with strips of white tape or raptor (hawk) silhouettes to avert birds from flying into the window. Avoid placing feeders close to windows.
    • Cover compost piles when not in use.
    • Pick up fallen fruit and vegetables to avoid attracting wildlife.
    • Keep grills and grease traps covered and clean to prevent attracting wildlife.
    • Keep pets supervised at all times when outdoors and on leashes when being walked. Pets weighing approximately15 pounds or less are more susceptible to predation.
    • Keep domesticated birds in covered enclosures that are routinely maintained.
    • Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not handle or remove wildlife without proper licenses or permits.
  • What should I do if a wild animal gets in the house?

    Animals enter homes for food, warmth, or to have young. Raccoons and squirrels are common invaders due to their ability to climb. Raccoons are large animals and need a good size opening to make their way into a home. Squirrels usually enter the home along eaves, chimneys, or anywhere they can pull away siding. They often leave behind signs of chewing. Both squirrels and raccoons are noisy and usually heard. Other possible intruders could be birds, bats, opossums, and snakes. Prevention is always the best measure - install approved chimney caps, seal eaves, and secure any loose siding or roofing material to prevent entry from occurring.

    Identify the animal and how it entered your home. Depending on the animal, you may be able to take care of the situation yourself. We recommend contacting your district wildlife biologist for advice specific to your situation.

    Please note that the Indiana DNR does not provide wildlife removal services. If you do not want to trap or remove an animal yourself, you can contact a qualified Wildlife Control Operator or Waterfowl Control Operator. Operators determine their own rates and fees. For more information, visit the Living with Wildlife web page.

  • Can you help me identify this animal?

    Our biologists need a quality photo or video of the animal, its tracks, feces/scat, or an audio recording to assist with identification. Standard-size objects placed next to the evidence can assist biologists with a more accurate estimate of the size of an animal or its signs. Hands and feet sizes tend to vary – objects such as rulers or dollar bills tend to work better. Identification requests can be sent to us via email or through our social media channels.

    For avid wildlife enthusiasts who may regularly encounter wildlife they need assistance with identifying, we highly recommend field guides. Our own biologists frequently use field guides in their day-to-day work.

    Find information about common Indiana wildlife on our website.

  • Can you help me identify this fish?

    Visit this web page.


Hunting & Fishing Licenses

  • How do I purchase a youth hunting license?

    A youth hunting license may be purchased at You may also obtain a youth hunting license by calling DNR’s Customer Service Center at 317-232-4200 or toll-free at 877-463-6367.

  • I have lost my hunting/fishing license. How do I get a replacement?

    Replacement licenses may be obtained at a cost of $3 online or by calling DNR’s Customer Service Center at 317-232-4200 or toll-free at 877-463-6367.

  • I bought a license for the wrong year. Can I get a refund?

    No, refunds are not available on incorrectly purchased licenses.

    Licenses issued by the DNR may be revoked at the discretion of a court upon conviction of fish and wildlife law violations, or at the discretion of the department for non-compliance with conditions under which licenses are issued.

    Equipment such as guns and vehicles used in violation of fish and wildlife laws may be seized for evidence, and upon conviction, confiscated at the discretion of the court.

  • Can I purchase a lifetime license?

    No, but existing lifetime licenses are still valid. DNR is no longer selling new lifetime licenses.

  • What do lifetime licenses cover?

    Lifetime comprehensive hunting and fishing licenses cover all Indiana hunting and fishing licenses and stamps.

  • What if my lifetime license is lost, stolen or destroyed?

    If your license is lost, stolen or destroyed, you should notify the DNR immediately. A lifetime license affidavit  for replacement can be found online; you can also contact us with all inquiries at or you can call us at 317-232-4200. Application must be mailed to the address on application. Faxed or emailed copies are not accepted. Form must be notarized. Affidavits that are not notarized will be returned. Upon the return of the affidavit, we will issue a replacement license. There is no cost for the replacement.

  • Does someone under the age of 18 or over the age of 65 need to purchase a fishing or hunting license?

    A hunting license is not required for an individual who is less than 13 years old, does not possess a bow or firearm, and who is accompanied by a person who is at least 18 years of age and holds a valid hunting license. However, children age 17 and younger who will possess a bow or firearm or will not be accompanied by a person over the age of 18 must obtain a youth hunting license, unless hunting during the free youth hunting days designated by the director each fall. Children who are nonresidents and under the age of 18 may purchase a resident youth hunting license if the child has a parent, grandparent or legal guardian who is a resident of Indiana. Hunters age 65 or older must obtain the appropriate hunting license.

    A fishing license and trout and salmon stamp are NOT required for individuals under the age of 18 or for Indiana residents who were born before April 1, 1943. Anglers born before April 1, 1943 should carry their driver’s license or other identification verifying their age and residency. For more information on license requirements, visit DNR’s Division of Fish & Wildlife.

  • Do I need a license to hunt on my property?

    If you meet the following exemptions, then you do not need a license to hunt your own property. Exemptions: Landowners or lessees of farmland who farm that land and are residents of Indiana are not required to obtain a permit while hunting, fishing, or trapping on the land they own or lease. A license is also NOT required for the landowner’s or lessee’s spouse or children living with them. This license exemption does not apply to land owned by a business, corporation or partnership unless the shareholders, partners, members or owners are comprised solely of the members of an immediate family who farm that land.

  • What sort of documentation do I need to apply for a Nursery Dealer’s license?

    Information on how to obtain a Nursery Dealer’s license may be found on the Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology web page. The Nursery Dealer’s license annual fee is $50. The fee must be submitted with your application.

  • If I purchase a youth hunting license when I am 17, but turn 18 before the license has expired, may I still use it?

    Yes. Youth hunting licenses are valid for a full year after purchase, even if you turn 18 during that year. The next time you purchase a license, however, you will need to purchase a regular license at the normal fees.

  • Do I have to keep a paper copy of my hunting/fishing license or will an electronic copy on my smartphone be acceptable?

    You do not need to keep a paper copy of your hunting or fishing license with you; however, you would need to have an electronic copy of your license on your smart device with you at all times while participating in that activity. The copy of the license has to be saved on the phone, and it may be either a picture, scan, or PDF of a license that was printed and signed. It may also be the electronic copy of the license issued online.


  • Where can I find the Indiana Hunting & Trapping Guide?

    The most recent edition of the Indiana Hunting and Trapping Guide can be viewed online. Printed copies are available at DNR property offices. You may also request one be mailed to you by calling DNR’s Customer Service Center at 317-232-4200 or toll-free at 877-463-6367. New editions of the guide appear in middle August.

  • How can I subscribe to Outdoor Indiana magazine?

    Subscribe to Outdoor Indiana magazine online or call 317-233-3046. Subscriptions are $15 for one year (six issues, a 38 percent savings off cover) and $28 for two years (12 issues, a 42 percent savings off cover). Outdoor Indiana is available now at most Barnes & Noble stores in Indiana for $4. To view an abbreviated electronic version, submit a comment or change an address, visit

  • Where can I find the Indiana Recreation Guide?

    The most recent edition of the Indiana Hunting and Trapping Guide can be viewed online. Printed copies are available at DNR property offices. You may also request one be mailed to you by calling DNR’s Customer Service Center at 317-232-4200 or toll-free at 877-463-6367. New editions of the guide appear in February.

  • Where can I find the Indiana Fishing Guide?

    The most recent edition of the Indiana Fishing Guide can be viewed online. Printed copies are available at DNR property offices. You may also request one be mailed to you by calling DNR’s Customer Service Center at 317-232-4200 or toll-free at 877-463-6367. New editions of the guide appear in February.


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