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Oil & Gas Program FAQs


Permitting and Bonding

Compliance and enforcement


Q: What rules must I follow to drill or operate an oil or gas related well in Indiana?
A: The oil and gas rules cover the requirements for drilling and operating a well in Indiana.

Q: How can I obtain forms from the program?
A: Forms may be downloaded from this site by clicking HERE or you may also call the program at 317-232-4055 or write to the program at 402 W. Washington St., Rm. 293, Indianapolis, IN 46204 to obtain forms.

Q: How do I get information about oil and gas related wells in Indiana?
A: The records in the files of the Oil & Gas Program contain information about oil and gas wells in Indiana. You can also find well information by contacting the Energy Resources Section of the Indiana Geological Survey which is located in the Geology Bldg. at Indiana University, 611 N. Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 812-855-5412.

Q: Can I keep the information on my well confidential?
A: The program can keep well completion information confidential for a period of one year from the date of completion. At the end of that period the records become public. To obtain confidentiality you must submit a written request with each completion report you wish to keep confidential. Information other than completion information cannot be kept confidential.

Q: What can you tell me about oil and gas leasing?
A: Oil and gas leases are private contracts which are not under the jurisdiction of the Oil & Gas Program. However, before entering into a lease agreement you may wish to consult an oil and gas attorney. To assist you in finding an attorney, the Evansville Bar Association maintains an attorney referral service. Additional information about leasing can be obtained by reading the brochure Oil and Gas Leasing on Indiana Farmland, 1997, Jerry Harrison, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University.

Permitting and Bonding

Q: What should I do if my permit is denied?
A: If your permit was denied for enforcement reasons you should contact the Enforcement Manager for further details. For any other reasons you should contact the Assistant Director, Technical Section

Q: What are the bonding requirements for an oil and gas related well?
A: Each well drilled for oil and gas purposes must have an individual bond in the amount of $2,500 unless you or your company qualify under the Annual Well Fee only program (For more information about this program please call the Assistant Director, Permitting and Compliance at 317-232-6961 or by e-mail at Jim AmRhein). Instead of an individual bond an applicant may maintain a $45,000 blanket bond to cover any number of wells. Bonds must be in one of three forms:

  1. A Surety bond written by a registered insurance company
  2. A cash bond in the form of a Certified check made out to the Department of Natural Resources
  3. An original Certificate of Deposit with the owner or operator named as the purchaser and an original Verification of Certificate form.

Q: Is there a fee for permits?
A: There is a $250 permit fee for all permits. If you request expedited permitting you must submit a $500 fee in addition to the general $250 fee.

Q: How much surface casing should I set?
A: That depends on the location of the well and the depth to the lowest Underground Source of Drinking Water in the area. You should check with the appropriate field inspector for local conditions. For further information on casing requirements please review 312 IAC 29-20.

Q: If I want to drill or operate wells as a corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company are there any additional requirements?
A: Yes. These types of organizations must register with the Corporations Division of the Secretary of States office. Further information about registration requirements can be obtained by calling the Corporations Division at 317-232- 6576.

Q: How long is my drilling and operating permit valid for?
A: Permits are valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance unless acted on. If a well is drilled within the year and operated thereafter, the permit is good indefinitely.

Q: If I sell my well do I have to file any paperwork with the program?
A: Yes. In order to transfer a permit you must submit a completed

Application for Permit Transfer form with an appropriate bond.

NOTE: Until the transfer is approved by the program the well remains the responsibility of the current operator.

Q: Can I FAX a permit application to the program?
A: Yes. However, the permit cannot be issued until the program has originals for all forms that require a signature or seal and the permit fee.

Q: What could cause my permit application to be denied or delayed?
A: Any of the following conditions can cause your permit to be denied or delayed:

  1. An incomplete or incorrect application. All applicable areas must be correctly filled out.
  2. Absence of permit fee.
  3. Missing or incorrect original survey (Unless already on file with the program). Note: Seal by registered land surveyor is required.
  4. Missing or incorrect original organizational report.
  5. Enforcement actions or prior permit revocations. Contact
  6. Missing or incorrect bond information (If required). Example: A CD that is not accompanied by a Verification of Certificate form.
  7. Missing or incorrect public notice (If required).
  8. Missing or incorrect communitization/pooling agreement information.
  9. Failure to register with the Secretary of State (required for Corporations, Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies) Call the Indiana Secretary of State at 317-232-6576 for further information.

Compliance and enforcement

Q: Who do I contact to report a possible violation of the oil and gas law, a crude oil or saltwater spill, or water well problem which I believe is related to oilfield operations?
A: You may either submit a request for an inspection by e-mail or via telephone. Note: For Northern and Central Indiana you should contact Jim AmRhein at 317-232-6961. For Southern Indiana you should contact Kevin York at 812-853-8640.

Q: If I receive an enforcement notice from the program what should I do?
A: The most important step you can take upon receiving an enforcement notice of any kind is to contact the program's Assistant Director, Permitting and Compliance as soon as possible after receiving the notice. However, it is important to note that the notice may contain a process for obtaining administrative review and that contact with the program does not constitute a formal request for such review.

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