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Nursery Growers & Dealers

The purpose of the Indiana Nursery Regulations is to ensure that only inspected and certified nursery stock is sold in Indiana. Anyone selling or soliciting the sale of nursery stock in the State of Indiana is required to be licensed. Nursery stock is defined as botanically classified hardy perennial or biennial trees, shrubs, vines, fruit pits, and other plants or plant parts capable of propagation. The term does not include corms, tubers, field vegetables, or flower seeds. (IC14-8-2-184)

In addition, the Indiana Department of Revenue classifies floriculture, horticulture, and arboriculture businesses as retail merchants. This requires the collection of Indiana Sales Tax. An Indiana Retail Merchant’s Certificate can be applied for online.

Nursery Dealer License

A Dealer is defined as any person who grows or buys nursery stock for the purpose of reselling or reshipping that stock in Indiana. Dealers who purchase finished stock for resales must buy a stock that has been inspected and certified. The Nursery Dealer License application requires a list of sources where nursery stock is purchased. The records of sources are compared with nursery inspection records to ensure dealers are purchasing certified stock. The Nursery Dealer License fee is $50 per year. If the company has a valid Grower’s License, the fee is reduced to $20. The license is valid from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Apply for a Nursery Dealer's License.

Nursery Grower License

A Nursery Grower is any person who propagates or grows nursery stock with the intent to increase the size and/or the value of the material. Nurseries that grow are required to have a Nursery Grower License in addition to the Nursery Dealer License. Growers are inspected at least once per year. A Certificate of Nursery Inspection is issued upon completion of all requirements. All nursery stock sold or commercially shipped in Indiana must be certified free from injurious plant pests by the Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology or comparable officials of another state or country. The Nursery Grower License is $50 plus $3 per acre. The license is valid from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Apply for a Nursery Grower License.

Renewing Licenses

Existing licenses can be verified and renewed online through the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. Please contact your local Nursery Inspector with any questions about nursery licenses. Search an online database of Indiana Nursery Dealers, Greenhouses, and Nurseries. Use the Facility Search and enter "Nursery" under Profession to start the search.

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