¾- 1 ½” (1.9-3.8cm). Three dark longitudinal stripes on back, some may be reduced to spots or even absent. Smooth skin, brown to gray, belly is cream colored. Light line along upper lip, dark stripe from snout to groin and passing through eye. No webbing between toes. Males smaller than females.
Call Description
Sounds like running a finger over the teeth of a comb. Lasts 2-3 seconds.
Indiana Range
Mostly statewide. Recent research indicates a second related species, the Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata), occurs in northwest Indiana.
Small insects, spiders, small snails, and worms.
Almost any type of wet habitat, including damp meadows, marshes, swamps, temporary ponds, agricultural fields, and urban settings
Breeding Habitat ![Western/Southeastern Chorus Frog Western/Southeastern Chorus Frog](/dnr/fish-and-wildlife/images/chfrog.jpg)
Temporary ponds, flooded fields, ditches, floodplain depressions, even in wet areas next to highways.
Breeding Season
Mid-Feb to Mid-May
Females deposit clumps of up to 300 eggs to sticks and vegetation. Eggs hatch within one week.
Dark brown to gray, belly is bronzy with light flecks, tail fins clear with dark flecks. Metamorphose in three months, mature within one year.