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Project WILD

Project WILD Indiana logo

Project WILD is one of the most widely used conservation and environmental education programs among educators of pre-K – 12th grade. The science-based curriculum developed by professionals in education and natural resource management contains STEM lessons compiled in thematic educator guidebooks that meet NGSS standards of a science classroom, have literacy, math, or history components, make career connections, and bring awareness of environmental justice challenges in wildlife conservation.

Available workshops

Project Wild Cover

Project WILD

Aquatic Wild CoverAquatic WILD

Flying Wild CoverFlying WILD

Project Wild Climate CoverClimate & Wildlife

Growing Up Wild LogoGrowing Up WILD

Workshops are FUN, FREE, and a FAVORITE of educators

Workshops offer training on how to use the guidebooks with accompanying online resources, and continuing education hours are earned through attendance of a workshop that is recognized by the Indiana Department of Education.

Looking to have a workshop in your area?

Email Kathy Madren, Project WILD State Coordinator,

Would you like to facilitate your own workshop?

If you are an environmental educator interested in training others in Project WILD, email Kathy Madren, Project WILD State Coordinator,

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