Responses to Claims on
The ‘Save Yellowwood’ website is a non-DNR website that intentionally exaggerates and misrepresents the management planned for this part of the backcountry area of Yellowwood State Forest.
The planned forest management work will selectively and lightly thin the forest at an intensity much lower than normally prescribed for similar areas found across the State Forest. Each tree identified for removal has been inspected and selected by a trained, professional DNR forester to reduce overcrowding and retain an older-forest character consistent with long-established backcountry guidelines. DNR experts have also reviewed potential impacts on wildlife and have found no significant negative impact from these operations—and find many positive aspects that will directly benefit various habitat types. Much of this review was based on the findings of scientists who have been studying the specific issue of harvesting impacts to wildlife on State Forests over the last decade.
The area in question has been mischaracterized by opponents as unique “old-growth forest,” unlike anywhere else on the State Forest. In reality there has been quite a long history of disturbance, including portions of the area at one time being fruit orchards and having been harvested previously.
Most of these claims and many more are addressed in more detail in a list of public comments and responses.
Select a 'Save Yellowwood' claim below to reveal the truth
- Misperception: $150,000 offer from a hardwood buyer to leave the forest intact.
- Misperception: THE ONLY PLACES LEFT: State forests are the only public places where Hoosiers are allowed to enjoy “wilderness recreation” such as long-distance hiking, backpacking, primitive camping, orienteering, hunting and foraging in wild nature. These activities are not permitted in state parks, nature preserves, or fish and wildlife areas.
- Misperception: QUALITY OF LIFE: The Yellowwood/Morgan-Morgan [sic] State Forest Backcountry is a beautiful and needed break for people of all walks of life to get away from modern hustle and bustle. Plus, it’s a great place to get exercise and fresh air.
- Misperception: GOOD FOR BUSINESS: Multiple studies have shown that having public forests available for wilderness recreation makes locations more attractive to businesses and workers looking to relocate.
- Misperception: IT’S OUR FOREST!: It belongs to each and every Hoosier – not the government to sell and destroy for money.
- Misperception: MANY MORE LONG-TERM BENEFITS: The long-term benefits of preserving large tracts of mature forests far surpass the one-time, short-term gain of a timber sale.
- Misperception: IT’S A SAFE HAVEN: Over the past 4 years, it has been found that 21 endangered species live in this forest – including the Indiana bat, timber rattlesnake, smoky shrew, and worm-eating warbler.
- Misperception: AND PROTECTION FROM MORE LOGGING: Older forests are a refuge for plants and animals affected by logging. And older growth forests support rare biological diversity.
- Misperception: TO PAY GOVERNMENT WORKERS?: In the past 12 years, the state has increased logging by 400% to generate income to run the Indiana Division of Forestry. (Yes, they’re cutting down trees to run the Division of Forestry.)
- Misperception: IT’S A FRACTION OF A FRACTION: Indiana’s entire state forest system comprises just 3.2% of the state’s 4,900,000 total forested acres. And the Yellowwood/Morgan-Morgan [sic] State Forest Backcountry is approximately 2,700 acres – which equates to only 1.7% of the state forests’ acreage. Which means it would be the perfect place NOT to log!
- Misperception: WHY DESTROY PUBLIC LAND?: There is already plenty of logging happening on private Indiana land. Why does the government need to compete with private industry for timber?
- Misperception: IT’S OLD AND BOLD!: It’s the largest tract of mature, closed canopy hardwood forest left in our state forests – where you can walk among towering trees ranging from 80 to 238 years old!
- Misperception: IT’S REALLY WILD! A wildlife survey counted 4,000 species of fish, birds, mammals, fungi, moss, insects, spiders and more.
- Misperception: IT’S TRULY UNIQUE: An IU biology professor calls this area one of the most botanically-rich forested sites known in Indiana. It’s a forest ecosystem with few invasives and lots of natives. The quality of this forest is “likely unmatched in other forest ecosystems in the state – even our State Nature Preserves”
- Misperception: THE ESTIMATES ARE LOW: They claim they will be taking only a few select trees per acre. But you can walk the forest now and already see that they have marked many more trees than that for harvesting.
- Misperception: TRAILS CLOSED: They plan to close two popular hiking trails, the Tecumseh Trail and Possum Trot Trail, and the primary eastern entry point for at least six months.
- Misperception: TREES OBLITERATED: They want to take ALMOST ONE-FOURTH OF THE STANDING TREE VOLUME from more than half the acres in the area.
- Misperception: COLLATERAL DESTRUCTION: They fully admit that they will also be damaging many remaining trees, tearing up the ground on steep slopes, and leaving stumps, gravel roads and many other very visible impacts for many years.
- Misperception: LONG-TERM DAMAGE: It will take many generations to see these majestic forests again. Our children and grandchildren need this rich natural heritage.
- Misperception: WHO’S RUNNING OUR STATE? When told by a state representative about the large number of citizens voicing concern over this, the Governor claimed it was out of his hands. So who’s running this state: the Governor, or the Division of Forestry?
Select a 'Save Yellowwood' claim below to reveal the truth
- Misperception: $150,000 offer from a hardwood buyer to leave the forest intact.
- Misperception: THE ONLY PLACES LEFT: State forests are the only public places where Hoosiers are allowed to enjoy “wilderness recreation” such as long-distance hiking, backpacking, primitive camping, orienteering, hunting and foraging in wild nature. These activities are not permitted in state parks, nature preserves, or fish and wildlife areas.
- Misperception: QUALITY OF LIFE: The Yellowwood/Morgan-Morgan [sic] State Forest Backcountry is a beautiful and needed break for people of all walks of life to get away from modern hustle and bustle. Plus, it’s a great place to get exercise and fresh air.
- Misperception: GOOD FOR BUSINESS: Multiple studies have shown that having public forests available for wilderness recreation makes locations more attractive to businesses and workers looking to relocate.
- Misperception: IT’S OUR FOREST!: It belongs to each and every Hoosier – not the government to sell and destroy for money.
- Misperception: MANY MORE LONG-TERM BENEFITS: The long-term benefits of preserving large tracts of mature forests far surpass the one-time, short-term gain of a timber sale.
- Misperception: IT’S A SAFE HAVEN: Over the past 4 years, it has been found that 21 endangered species live in this forest – including the Indiana bat, timber rattlesnake, smoky shrew, and worm-eating warbler.ding
- Misperception: AND PROTECTION FROM MORE LOGGING: Older forests are a refuge for plants and animals affected by logging. And older growth forests support rare biological diversity.
- Misperception: TO PAY GOVERNMENT WORKERS?: In the past 12 years, the state has increased logging by 400% to generate income to run the Indiana Division of Forestry. (Yes, they’re cutting down trees to run the Division of Forestry.)
- Misperception: IT’S A FRACTION OF A FRACTION: Indiana’s entire state forest system comprises just 3.2% of the state’s 4,900,000 total forested acres. And the Yellowwood/Morgan-Morgan [sic] State Forest Backcountry is approximately 2,700 acres – which equates to only 1.7% of the state forests’ acreage. Which means it would be the perfect place NOT to log!
- Misperception: WHY DESTROY PUBLIC LAND?: There is already plenty of logging happening on private Indiana land. Why does the government need to compete with private industry for timber?
- Misperception: IT’S OLD AND BOLD!: It’s the largest tract of mature, closed canopy hardwood forest left in our state forests – where you can walk among towering trees ranging from 80 to 238 years old!
- Misperception: IT’S REALLY WILD! A wildlife survey counted 4,000 species of fish, birds, mammals, fungi, moss, insects, spiders and more.
- Misperception: IT’S TRULY UNIQUE: An IU biology professor calls this area one of the most botanically-rich forested sites known in Indiana. It’s a forest ecosystem with few invasives and lots of natives. The quality of this forest is “likely unmatched in other forest ecosystems in the state – even our State Nature Preserves”
- Misperception: THE ESTIMATES ARE LOW: They claim they will be taking only a few select trees per acre. But you can walk the forest now and already see that they have marked many more trees than that for harvesting.
- Misperception: TRAILS CLOSED: They plan to close two popular hiking trails, the Tecumseh Trail and Possum Trot Trail, and the primary eastern entry point for at least six months.
- Misperception: TREES OBLITERATED: They want to take ALMOST ONE-FOURTH OF THE STANDING TREE VOLUME from more than half the acres in the area.
- Misperception: COLLATERAL DESTRUCTION: They fully admit that they will also be damaging many remaining trees, tearing up the ground on steep slopes, and leaving stumps, gravel roads and many other very visible impacts for many years.
- Misperception: LONG-TERM DAMAGE: It will take many generations to see these majestic forests again. Our children and grandchildren need this rich natural heritage.
- Misperception: WHO’S RUNNING OUR STATE? When told by a state representative about the large number of citizens voicing concern over this, the Governor claimed it was out of his hands. So who’s running this state: the Governor, or the Division of Forestry?