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Trails Plan

2021 Indiana State Trails Plan

SCORPThe 2021 Trails Plan is incorporated into the 2021-2025 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. The plan builds upon the previous plan and provides current guidance for Indiana’s goals and initiatives regarding trails.

2016 Indiana State Trails Plan

The 2016 Trails Plan is incorporated into the 2016-2020 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. The plan builds upon the previous plan and provides current guidance for Indiana’s goals and initiatives regarding trails.

2006 Indiana State Trails Plan

Hoosiers on the Move: The Indiana State Trails, Greenway, and Bikeways Plan was Indiana’s first trails plan and was completed in 2006. The comprehensive plan documented trail development up to this period and introduced Indiana’s initial statewide trail goals, strategies, and visions.

Other Trail-Related Documents and Resources

The following documents and resources are not part of the State Trails Plan, but provide a larger context for Indiana’s trail system and helpful information to trail stakeholders.

The Indiana Bicycle Trails Task Force, created in 2017 as a result of House Enrolled Act 1174, had the goal of studying the feasibility of creating a larger, more comprehensive, and connected trail network. The Task Force had its final meeting on June 19, 2019, and presented its findings in a Final Report on July 1, 2019.

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has sought to support the development of active transportation opportunities throughout the state, with a particular focus on infrastructure and programs supporting bicycle and pedestrian transportation. To this end, it has conducted an Active Transportation Survey. Through survey results and other research, INDOT will complete the state’s first Active Transportation Plan. Additionally, as part of this work they have developed a Trail Cost Calculator, a free interactive tool that provides a sketch-level cost estimate for trail construction in Indiana.

  • 2017 Indiana Trails Study (IU Eppley Study)- Summary Report

In 2017, Indiana University’s Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands completed and published a study measuring the health, economic, and community impacts of trails in Indiana. Information and data was gathered by conducting surveys of trail users and “trail neighbors,” owners of property adjacent to trails. Eight trails throughout the state were studied. By gathering this data, the Eppley Institute was able to both reinforce and update its findings from a similar survey in 2001.

These guidelines authored by the DNR are intended to comply with Public Law 67, but they can also be seen as recommended ways to approach the 2016-2020 State Trails Plan.

If you have any questions or comments about the plan, contact:

Gary Schultz
Trails Coordinator

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