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Tippecanoe River State Park

4200 N. U.S. 35
Winamac, IN 46996
  • Description

    This property is a stop on the

    Birding Trail Logo

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    Of course, the river is the big attraction at Tippecanoe, especially for canoers and kayakers; you will need to bring your own equipment or make arrangements with local liveries. The trails are another popular attraction. There are 23 miles of trails, 9 miles of which are for hiking only, and 14 miles of which are a combination of hiking/horse trails. All are rated as easy to moderate.

    There are a variety of camping opportunities that include primitive, electric, camper cabins, horse sites, and youth tent areas. Tippecanoe also has several historic structures built by the Works Project Administration (WPA) in the 1930s. One of these structures is a 90-foot fire tower that offers visitors an outstanding view of the surrounding countryside. Another is Tepicon Recreation Hall, which is a popular location for weddings and family reunions.


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