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Spring Mill State Park

3333 State Road 60 E.
Mitchell, IN 47446

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Daily admission

  • Noncommercial vehicles with Indiana license plates: $7.
  • Noncommercial vehicles with out-of-state license plates: $9.

Time zone

Property: Daily, 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Office: Daily, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Spring Mill State Park offers a powerful illustration of the link between the natural and cultural worlds. The water flowing from several cave springs led to the founding of an industrial village in the early 1800s. Pioneer entrepreneurs took advantage of a constant water source that never froze, using it to power several gristmills, a wool mill, a sawmill, and a distillery. In turn, pioneer settlers shaped the landscape around the village, clearing land for agriculture and timber.

The park today continues to illustrate how nature shapes us and how we shape our environment. A parcel of old growth timber sits in contrast to regenerated forest, a man-made lake struggles to survive against the in-flow of silt from cave-fed systems, and the native flora and fauna face challenges from man’s introduction of new species.

Visitors can explore this story in the park’s four interpretive facilities—the Pioneer Village, Lakeview Activity Center, Grissom Memorial, and Twin Caves Boat Tour—and see it reflected on the landscape as they hike the trails. The interpretive staff also offers a wide variety of public programs, including an extensive special events schedule. Public programs are offered year-round.

This property is a stop on the
Indiana Birding Trail Logo

Construction projects

  • GRIST MILL REPAIR: The DNR Division of State Parks, in collab­oration with the divisions of Engineering and Historic Preservation & Archaeology, has developed a plan for repairs to the historic grist mill in the Pioneer Village. Construction will begin this year and take 9-12 months during which the grist mill shaft, a gear, water wheel, flume, windows, siding, and awning will be repaired or replaced. Learn more about the project.


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