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Abandoned Mine Problems

It is the responsibility of the Abandoned Mine Land program to assist public and private landowners with remediation of safety and environmental issues associated with abandoned mines. Landowner wishes are taken into account when reclamation plans are being developed. If you believe your property is being negatively affected by legacy mining, please report the issue as soon as possible. After verification of eligibility, the site will be placed on the abandoned mine land inventory and prioritized for construction. Sites on the inventory may not go to construction because of certain limitations over time; however, sites not on the inventory will not be earmarked for funding. Abandoned mine land projects are funded through grants from the Federal Office of Surface Mine Reclamation Enforcement. When Indiana's inventory is completed, grants may become unavailable. Abandoned mine land issues can be reported at 812-665-2207 or

Indiana's current inventory can be viewed at Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System webpage. Point locations may be slightly altered for safety purposes. If you have any questions or concerns about sites on the inventory, please email and reference the site's problem area description (PAD) number. Problem areas from the inventory being considered or currently undergoing development can be viewed in the project development list. Public input into the project development list is encouraged.

Previously mined land may have many attractive features for development as residential, industrial, or recreational sites. Hidden dangers such as dangerous mine openings, unstable highwalls, and unpredictable ground movement have resulted in serious damages to improvements on these sites. Additional problems can result from subsidence, mine spoils, mine impoundments, and landslides.

The Indiana Division of Reclamation suggests obtaining assistance from a qualified engineer for specific site evaluation before you buy or build on previously mined land. A list of resources is provided at the end of this booklet for additional information.

We offer a guide to help the public and local officials further understand potential problems associated with previously mined areas.

Common problems

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