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Motor Vehicle License Plates, Licenses and Waivers

Indiana currently has the following license plates available to eligible veterans:

Hoosier Veteran Plates:
Any resident of the State who was honorably separated from the active Armed Forces can purchase a Hoosier Veteran license plate. Simply take your DD-214 or your Discharge Certificate to your local BMV office and request the special plate. There is a $15 charge for the Hoosier Veteran plate.

Disabled Veteran Plates:
IC 9-18-18-1
Individuals eligible for disabled Hoosier veteran license plate
Sec. 1. (a) A person may apply for, receive, and display a disabled Hoosier veteran license plate on the person's vehicle for private and personal use if the person, as the result of having served in the armed forces of the United States, has:
(1) lost sight in both eyes or suffered permanent impairment of vision in both eyes to the extent of being eligible for service-connected compensation for the loss;
(2) suffered the loss of one (1) or both feet or the permanent loss of use of one (1) or both feet;
(3) suffered the loss of one (1) or both hands or the permanent loss of use of one (1) or both hands;
(4) a United States Department of Veterans Affairs disability rating for a physical condition that precludes the person from walking without pain or difficulty; or
(5) been rated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as being at least fifty percent (50%) disabled and is receiving service related compensation from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. At least sixty percent (60%) of the disability rating under this subdivision must be attributable to a mobility disability.
(b) An application for a disabled Hoosier veteran license plate must be accompanied by a certificate from the:
(1) United States Department of Veterans Affairs; or
(2) appropriate branch of the armed forces of the United States;
confirming the eligibility of the person submitting the application for the disabled Hoosier veteran license plate.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.87-2010, SEC.12; P.L.51-2013, SEC.1.

* Note: Veterans can obtain a plate or a placard for each registered vehicle they own. 

Ex-Prisoner of War Plates:
The POW license plate is available to all ex-prisoners of war or to the surviving spouse of a deceased POW. Applications for these plates are available from the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs must verify the eligibility of the applicant. Ref: IC 9-18-17-1.

Purple Heart Plates:
Any Hoosier Veteran who has received the Purple Heart Medal is authorized to have these special license plates. Applications may be obtained at the BMV or from the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The veteran must present official documentation of the award, and the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs must verify the veteran's eligibility. Ref: IC 9-18-19-1, IC 9-18-19-2, IC 9-18-19-3.


Along with the application please send DD Form 214 (discharge) AND the disability award letter issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs WITH the break down of the individual service connected disability rating(s).  IDVA Must have this in order to determine eligibility for the Disable Hoosier Veteran License Plate.

Support Our Troops Plates
Effective January 1, 2007, this special plate with a yellow ribbon is now available for purchase by all Hoosiers, whether or not they are a veteran. Most of the proceeds from this plate will go into the Military Family Relief Fund.

Gold Star Plate
The Gold Star Family license plate is available to the spouses, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, siblings, or children of anyone who died while serving on duty in the military – active, Reserve or National Guard. There is no additional cost for the Gold Star Family license plate. Regular vehicle registration fees and taxes still apply. To be eligible for the plate, family members must provide an official DD Form 1300 from the Department of Defense. In many cases the Department of Defense issues only one copy of the DD Form 1300, normally to the person who is listed as the next-of-kin. In those cases, the next-of-kin will need to be contacted by other family members and a copy of the form obtained from him/her. This plate will be available at license branches and other customer service locations. You will be able to display this plate on passenger cars, trucks up to 11,000 pounds, and recreational vehicles. For more information go to:

Prisoner of War - Missing In Action Plate (current POWs/MIAs)
The Prisoner Of War - Missing In Action license plate sponsored by Indiana Rolling Thunder honors all Hoosier veterans who are currently missing in action or listed as prisoners of war. Funds from the sales of this plate will go to the Veterans Assistance Trust Fund established by the General Assembly in 2007 to assist veterans and their families in times of financial hardship. The cost of the Prisoner Of War - Missing In Action license plate includes vehicle registration fees and taxes, a group fee of $25, and an administrative fee of $15. This plate is available online through myBMV, at license branches, and at other customer service locations. You will be able to display this plate on passenger cars, trucks up to 11,000 pounds, motorcycles, and recreational vehicles. Sponsoring Organization: Indiana Rolling Thunder, P.O. Box 40175, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. For more information, go to:

All plates may be purchased through the mail or at your local license branch. All plates except the Hoosier Veteran, Gold Star and the Prisoner of War - Missing In Action plates must be applied for through the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Hoosier Veteran plate does not require the completion of an application form, as do the other veteran plates. For more information on each plate, see eligibility for veteran license plates.

The application form may be downloaded and then either mailed, faxed, or brought to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (phone numbers and address are on the form). Applications for the Purple Heart plate must include documentation of the award. Applications for a Disabled Veteran plate must have the VA claim number. Approved applications are returned by mail to the applicant. They cannot be faxed since the required embossed seal on approved applications must be visible. Most applications will be approved within two (2) days after receipt. Applications may also be completed in person at the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs, 302 W. Washington Street, Room E120, Indianapolis between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Applications for Disabled Veteran plates can be verified only during office hours at the VA Regional Office (they close at 4:00 P.M.). It is recommended that you call first to be sure an approving authority will be available. In the Indianapolis calling area: 232-3910. Toll free in Indiana: 1/800/400-4520.