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Indiana Adult Education

Indiana Adult Education programs provide math, reading, and writing instruction free of charge to help you acquire the skills needed to earn a high school equivalency diploma, go to college, or participate in an entry-level occupational certification program. You can even earn a high school equivalency diploma and an occupational certificate at the same time, allowing you to get back to work or switch careers quickly.

Adult Ed Locations

Location marker on a map. Clickable image to the Adult Ed Locations map

Locate an adult education program to schedule an appointment and enroll today.

Indiana's High School Equivalency (HSE) Exam

 Clickable Image of student standing in front of Chalkboard with High School Equivalency written to the left

The Indiana HSE is the high school equivalency exam replacing the GED ®.  More information can be found here. Find additional FAQS here.

Indiana Career Explorer

Indiana Career Explorer Logo. Goes to INCE when clicked.

While deciding on your future plans, explore your career interests and skills online free of charge at Indiana Career Explorer.

WIN Career Readiness System

Indiana Career Explorer Logo. Goes to INCE when clicked.

Within the WIN Career Readiness System, employability, foundational, social skills and digital literacy skills are learned within the context of careers.

Success Stories

DWD Logo linking to the Adult Ed Success Story Page

Read the success stories of previous Adult Ed students.
See additional DWD success stories by visiting this page.

Indiana Online Only (IOO)

Indiana Online Only (IOO) is the only approved online adult education program in Indiana. IOO is fully funded through the state, making the course completely FREE to Indiana residents. Students are able to complete an HSE preparation or English language acquisition course on their own schedule, in the comfort of their own home. IOO meets students where they are, both physically and academically. The program uses top notch educational strategies and programs to make sure the students receive an individualized learning plan that insures student success.


Learn More

ABE Contact Information

Hannah Price 

ELL Contact Information

Lilly Albright
( 812) 330-7731

Indiana Online Only Logo that takes you to their website

Provider Resources

Schools, institutions and providers are encouraged to use the resources on this page to help with student recruitment. The guides and videos are free for use.

Adult Education Day Honors Adult Learners and Indiana Employers, Showcasing Statewide Success Stories.

Adult Ed by the Numbers

Adult Ed By the Numbers Infographic Cover Image

Contact Adult Ed

Questions? Email or call
1-866-220-6675 for all inquiries, including questions regarding the Indiana High School Equivalency (formerly GED).

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
DWD is an equal opportunity employer that administers equal opportunity programs. Free auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities (TDD/TTY Number: 1-800-743-3333). Free language interpretation and translation services are also available upon request.