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Uplink Capacity Reached

SYSTEM CAPACITY NOTICE: You have reached this page because the Uplink system has reached its maximum user limit with claimant and employer users. Please try accessing Uplink again in a few minutes. This is a preventative measure to help maintain and preserve the integrity of the system. Uplink handles millions of data operations daily and we want to ensure an optimal user experience for our Unemployment Insurance programs. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Please try back in a few minutes.
Visit the Uplink Claimant Self Service Website

Other Tips:

  • Consider filing your claim and vouchers Tuesday – Saturday. Sunday and Mondays are peak usage times.
  • Be sure to have all information ready to file once you start your online session.
  • For questions related to claim filing, eligibility, and/or other assistance, please visit our FAQs, Claimant Handbook and Tutorials found on

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.