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Child Care Advisory

Child Care Advisory

The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) and the Indiana Poison Center (IPC) are no longer recommending the use of Syrup of Ipecac.

The Indiana child care home rules, 470 IAC 3-1.1-44(b), requiring home childcare providers to keep syrup of ipecac on hand was based on an American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendation that has recently been reversed. The AAP no longer recommends the use of syrup of ipecac to cause vomiting after swallowing something that may be poisonous. The ISDH, the IAP, and the AAP now recommend that child care homes and other facilities, that provide care for children, throw away their bottles of syrup of ipecac by pouring it down the toilet.

The ISDH and the IAP recommends that poisons be kept locked and out of sight and reach of children (required by Center and Home rules). They also recommend never taking substances out of the original container and putting it in another container; all unused medications as well as those no longer needed should be discarded.

The universal phone number for Poison Control is (800) 222-1222.

Indiana State Department of Health
American Academy of Pediatrics