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About SNAP

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides food assistance to low and no income people and families living in the United States. It is a federal aid program administered by the Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, however, distribution of benefits occurs at the state level. In Indiana, the Family and Social Services Administration is responsible for ensuring federal regulations are initially implemented and consistently applied in each county.

SNAP frequently asked questions (updated January 2020)

SNAP online purchasing using HoosierWorks EBT Card

This program is designed to raise the nutritional level of low income households. It enables low-income families to buy nutritious food through Electronic Benefits Transfer cards. To apply for benefits, please click here and select the county where you live.

For the duration of the Federal Public Health Emergency, the following SNAP policy change is in effect:

Are College Students Eligible for SNAP?
Students attending an institution of higher education, like a college, university, trade school, or technical school more than half-time are eligible for SNAP IF they meet an exemption AND meet all other SNAP eligibility requirements. You can ask your school what qualifies as “half-time.”

The exemptions for students are listed in section 3210.15.35.05 of the policy manual available at this link.

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