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ICRC announces plans to celebrate Dr King

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Indianapolis—The Indiana Civil Rights Commission and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indiana Holiday Commission announced today plans to celebrate the King Holiday in January. In addition to the 21st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indiana Holiday Celebration and Youth Summit on January 12th, the Commissions have announced a Day of Service on January 13th.

Sponsors of the Day of Service include the City of Indianpolis, Indy Parks and Indiana Black Expo. The groups will target IPS schools 42 and 44 and the Flanner House. Click here for more information about the King Day of Service.

“Dr. King believed strongly in community service projects,” said Jamal Smith, Executive Director of the Indiana Civil Rights Commission.” That’s why I am so excited about the Day of Service which places a heavy emphasis on giving back to the community.”

More than 500 students from across the state, grades 6-8, will take part in the 21st Annual Dr. King Youth Summit on Thursday, January 12th. Students will begin their journey in the Indiana State Museum where they will take part in interactive programming and listen to famous speeches by Dr. King. Students will then travel across West Street for the Statehouse program.

The Statehouse program, which is free and open to the public, is expected to bring together more than 600 students, state employees, local and state government officials, human rights agencies and Indiana residents from across the state to celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Kevin Chavous, a native of Indianapolis and Chairman of the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO), will deliver the keynote address. There will also be remarks by Governor Mitch Daniels and the presentation of four awards. The awards ceremony will be highlighted by the Passing the Torch award which will be given, along with a $500 college scholarship, to the winner of the Art, Writing and Multimedia Contest sponsored by the Indiana Black Expo.

“The Art, Writing and Multimedia Contest requires students to select a medium to highlight a community service project they are currently or have been a part of,” added Smith. “The winner of this contest will have demonstrated not only excellent community responsibility but artistic talent.”

For more information about the 21st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indiana Holiday Celebration and Youth Summit, or to find out more about the Day of Service and volunteer opportunities in your area, visit or call (800) 628-2909.

The Indiana Civil Rights Commission enforces the Indiana civil rights laws and provides education and services to the public in an effort to ensure equal opportunity for all Hoosiers and visitors to the State of Indiana. For more information on the Indiana Civil Rights Commission visit: