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NetDMR is a U.S. EPA web-based application for submitting monitoring results for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and Industrial Waste Pretreatment (IWP) permits issued by IDEMs Office of Water Quality. Access to NetDMR is now through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX). NetDMR has two methods of submitting monitoring results, direct screen based data entry or file import using Excel and comma separated value files. All required monitoring results must now be submitted using NetDMR with attached Monthly Report of Operation or Monthly Monitoring reports. NetDMR is Indiana’s choice for implementing Phase 1 of the Federal eReporting Rule for individual and non-stormwater NPDES and IWP permits.

Who should report through the NetDMR system?

All permit holders in the state of Indiana that are required by an NPDES or Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment (IWP) permit to submit monitoring results must submit the results using NetDMR. In addition, the Monthly Report of Operation (MRO) and/or the Monthly Monitoring Report (MMR) must be electronically attached to the NetDMR submission. Notify IDEM if you have any questions about NetDMR for Indiana.

Quick, Helpful Links


On August 17, 2017, U.S. EPA notified IDEM of a scam involving a counterfeit EPA NetDMR address.  The scam is requesting payment of a fee.  There is never any fee associated with the use of NetDMR or CDX.  If you receive a request for payment, do not click on any of the embedded links and delete the message immediately.

On May 19, U.S. EPA migrated the NetDMR application to its CDX system.

Please do not send paper DMRs.