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Important Things You Need to Know About NetDMR

NPDES facilities required to use NetDMR

The Federal e-Reporting Rule and IDEM policy require all facilities with NPDES and IWP permits to be using NetDMR by the end of 2016.

Facility eligible to use NetDMR

Permittees whose permit number starts with IN0, INP, ING or INS are required to use NetDMR. Additionally, permit numbers that start with INRM are allowed to enroll, and are being encouraged to do so at this time.

Contact IDEM if you have questions about NetDMR.

The NetDMR web address

Now accessed via the U.S. EPA Central Data Exchange (CDX).

Benefits of NetDMR

  • Reduces paperwork burden
  • Assists with DMR data quality by automatically checking for certain violations prior to submission to the U.S. EPA database.
  • Improves timeliness and accessibility of DMR data
  • Provides instant confirmation of submission
  • Allows for fast revisions of DMR data that can be submitted electronically
  • Allows the attachment of IDEM approved supplemental documents such as the MRO and MMR

Security information needed to manage in NetDMR

CDX requires:

  • User Name
  • Password
  • Security Questions

Note: Password and the answers to the five security questions are case sensitive.

Your CDX password will need to be changed every 90 days. After this time has expired, you will be required to create a new password. You will not need to create a new account, you will just be asked to create a new password by entering the current password and then choosing a new password.

How to reset your Password or Login ID

On the initial CDX login screen there is an option (“Forgot Your Password?”) that, once clicked, will send an automated email to the user requesting the password or Login ID. (You will be asked to answer one of your security questions to receive the information via your email address.) Alternatively, you may contact CDX at the address provided at the bottom of the CDX webpage via e-mail or phone.

Indiana state forms (MMRs/MROs) still need to be submitted

The corresponding state forms still need to be submitted as per permit requirements. The Excel MMR/MRO forms are available on the IDEM Agency Forms page. Upon completion, these state (MMR/MRO) forms can be saved in PDF format, named correctly, and then attached to the electronic NetDMR submittal. When attached to the NetDMR, the MMR and MRO do not require a hand written signature, since the electronic signature authorizing the NetDMR applies also to all attachments. However, you need to be sure to key in and save the names in the signature block while in Excel.

Conversion of the MMRs/MROs to PDF reports and attaching them to the NetDMR

The best time to convert the (Excel) MMR/MRO to a PDF document is after the MMR/MRO has been completed. Either use the “save as” feature to convert the Excel MMR/MRO to pdf, or scan as a pdf document.

Naming the attached corresponding MMR/MRO PDF copies

Please name the attachment with a name in the following format, PermitID_OutfallNumber_DocumentType_ Year_Month for electronic storage and integrity purposes. Do not use a space in the name.

Acceptable Examples:

  • IN0038873_001A_MRO_2017_09 (For State MRO)
  • IN0001759_001A_MMR_2017_09 (For State MMR)
  • IN0038873_001A_NCR_2017_09 (For Noncompliance Report)
  • IN0023183_008C_CSO_2017_09 (For State CSO DMR)
  • IN0023183_005AB_Letter_2017_09 (For Violation Explanation)

Unacceptable Examples:

  • IN0012345 001A 01-12 (unacceptable because there are two spaces in the name and no document type)
  • Joes Barbecue 002B 01 2012 (unacceptable because there are three spaces in the name, no document type and no permit ID)

Submitting other documents besides the MMR/MRO with the NetDMR

For some, NetDMR will allow up to 20 MB of attachments per submittal. Any explanation of permit noncompliance (including permit limit exceedances, missed samples or reduced frequency of analysis) should be saved as a pdf document and attached to the NetDMR. Faxed Noncompliance Reports should also be attached to the corresponding electronic NetDMR submittal. (Noncompliance Reports should no longer be sent by fax. Instead, please e-mail them to IDEM Wastewater Reports staff.

Note: IDEM is not responsible for responding to any documents attached to the NetDMR.

Submitting CSO data via NetDMR

The monthly summary data from the Indiana state CSO MRO form needs to be entered into the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) NetDMR. CSO Communities will also need to submit the CSO MRO Indiana State Form as a pdf attachment to their NetDMR submission of the CSO data. Remember, even if there is no discharge from a CSO outfall, you are still required to report the monthly accumulation of precipitation.

Submitting WETT (biomonitoring/toxicity testing) results via NetDMR

In a change from IDEM’s earlier position, we are now expecting results of the Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing (WETT), required by certain permits, to be submitted to IDEM using NetDMR. Previously, IDEM personnel were manually entering the WETT results into the U.S. EPA database. IDEM has developed instructions for what needs to be entered on your DMR, as it is important to report the correct measures and units in order to avoid the generation of a violation. IDEM still needs a copy of the complete lab report, and strongly recommends that permittees scan and email the full WETT report to IDEM Wastewater Reports staff instead of mailing it.

Documents that should not be submitted as a NetDMR attachment

Please do not submit laboratory analyses reports unless specified by IDEM representative. Also, the following documents should NOT be submitted as NetDMR attachments, but should be mailed or sent by e-mail as per permit or other instructions:

  • Flow meter calibration Results
  • Schedule of compliance status reports
  • Responses to IDEM Enforcement actions
  • Any permit change or modification notifications

Send the following by e-mail to IDEM Wastewater Reports staff.

  • 24 hour Bypass Reports
  • Whole Effluent Toxicity Test (WETT) reports
  • Pretreatment reports

Send the following by e-mail IDEM Wastewater Violation Response:

  • Responses to IDEM Violation Letters or Inspection Reports

Record Keeping: Keep at least 3 years of DMRs and MMRs/MROs on site

As required by your permit, at least three years of DMRs and MMRs/MROs need to be available to the inspector. You must have paper copies for those months prior to when you began using NetDMR. If you are able (and reliably available) to make the electronic versions of NetDMR and the attachments readily available to the inspector on-site, then you are not required to maintain paper copies for those months.

"No Discharge" data or reasons no sampling was conducted, in NetDMR

NetDMR will provide a list of NODI (no data indicated) codes from which you can choose, when there is no NPDES data to report. Some of these codes will generate a violation in the EPA database while others will not. For example if an outfall had no discharge for the monitoring period, the NetDMR user can enter "No Discharge" (NODI code "C") for that outfall's entire DMR and it will not generate a violation in the EPA database.

NODI codes that IDEM allows to be used when they apply to the entire monitoring period:

  • C: No Discharge (for a whole DMR outfall) (not a violation)
  • D: Lost sample/Data not available (violation)
  • G: Equipment Failure (violation)
  • E: Analysis not Conducted (violation)
  • M: Laboratory error (violation)
  • N: Facility not yet constructed (not a violation)
  • X: Parameter not reported (violation)
  • 9: Conditional Monitoring – Not Required this monitoring period (not a violation)

Whenever a NODI code is used instead of measurement data, the NetDMR submitter should place a comment in the comment section of the NetDMR to explain why no data was entered.

As with measured data, the NetDMR user will be responsible for the correct reporting and use of the No Data Indicated (NODI) codes when no data is reported. If there is any measurement data for a parameter during a monitoring period, that data should be reported.

How to import data into NetDMR using an approved format instead of completing each individual blank of the NetDMR for required DMR data each monitoring period

Upon completion of the NetDMR registration and receipt of approval to use NetDMR, you may contact IDEM NetDMR to request the import format information. The corresponding state MMR/MRO (in pdf form) and noncompliance report (if applicable, and as a PDF document) will still need to be attached to the NetDMR import submittal.

What items need to be checked when submitting electronic DMR data in NetDMR:

Please complete all the blanks for all parameters listed on the NetDMR screen, including the top portion of the NetDMR (principle executive officer information). All NPDES permitted monitoring requirements should contain monitoring results or one of the no discharge codes to explain the reason a monitoring result is not reported.

NetDMR will notify you when you enter a monitoring result that exceeds your permit limit, and when you are submitting a DMR that contains a blank or partially completed parameter. The NetDMR system will require users to “acknowledge” reported violations by checking a checkbox, and missing fields prior to being allowed to sign and electronically submit DMR documents. Therefore it is important that the signatory authority review the DMR both before and after submittal to verify that all required information has been successfully submitted. Upon NetDMR submittal, the NetDMR data is immediately imported into the U.S. EPA database.

The U.S. EPA database will flag the limit violations and missing data after the NetDMR is submitted, which will be visible at the ECHO (Environmental Compliance History Online) website within 2 months of the NetDMR submittal. The reporting violation and permit noncompliance status in the U.S. EPA database will continue until the non-reported information is received by NetDMR.

Reporting units other than those in my permit

Do not change the reporting units displayed on the NetDMR screen, per parameter, even though NetDMR will allow you to do so. The reporting units displayed are the units required by your NPDES permit. In Indiana, a formal permit modification can be requested for these type of changes.

Report Monitoring Results below the Level of Detection

As a general rule, monitoring results below the level of detection (LOD) are required, by Indiana's Administrative Code 327 IAC 5-2-15, to be reported as less than the value of the LOD. For example, if a substance is not detected at a concentration of one (1.0) milligram per liter, the value must be reported on the NetDMR as < 1.0 mg/l. There are a very limited number of exceptions to this rule, but these exceptions and method of reporting are described in the NPDES permit that regulates the discharge.

Reporting E. coli when my NPDES permitted facility collects at least 10 days of E. coli samples per month

For facilities that collect E. coli samples on at least ten days per month, for each 10 E. coli daily values collected, one value exceeding 235 may be excluded when determining your Daily Maximum (Daily Max) to be reported on the NetDMR screen. However, all daily values must be used to determine the Monthly Geometric Mean.

When counting the number of daily values collected in a month, count the number of days E. coli is sampled. If more than one E. coli sample is collected on the same day, the result of all the samples during that day must be averaged and the resulting average is the value for that day.

If E. coli samples are collected on fewer than ten days per month, you may not exclude any of the values when reporting Daily Maximum (and calculating/reporting Monthly Geometric Mean).

Reporting Monthly Average on a DMR form when I only take one sample

If your NPDES permit requires you to sample one time during the monitoring period (monthly, quarterly, semiannual, annual) and no other samples are collected for that parameter/monitoring period, the single sample result needs to be reported for both of the Monthly Average and weekly Maximum/Daily Maximum for that parameter, if both are required.

How to calculate "Total, flow (82220)" and why it should be reported

The value reported for Total Flow (82220) should be the total flow discharged from the outfall (Permitted Feature) for the entire DMR monitoring period (usually monthly) and reported in million gallons per month. Even though your NPDES permit may only require a flow monitoring frequency of twice per month, to accurately report the Total Flow (82220) value, and comply with the certification statement required under 327 IAC 5-2-22 (3)(d), Signatories to permit applications and reports, you will need to monitor and report flows discharged from outfalls during the entire month.

For example, if your monitoring frequency is twice per month for parameter 50050, "Flow in Conduit or Thu Treatment Plant" and the sample type is instantaneous but your facility discharges 20 days during the month, you are required to measure flow during all of the 20 days when a discharge occurs and use these measurements in the calculation to arrive at the monthly total flow value that is reported in million gallons per month for the Total Flow (82220) parameter.

The need for this Total Flow value each month/quarter, while not specifically addressed in your NPDES permit, can be required as per 327 IAC 5-1-3 Department request for data, since IDEM may request additional information, when necessary, to carry out the implementation of the NPDES program. Total Flow parameter (82220) on the NetDMR screen is used to determine the flow related portion (Daily Average Actual) of the annual NPDES Permit Fee.

Finding NetDMR for Quarterly, Semiannual, and Annual reporting

Typically, Quarterly reporting can be found on the last month of a calendar quarter (March, June, September, December); Semiannual reporting can be found on the last month of a six-month calendar period (June, December) and Annual reporting can be found on the last month of the calendar year, December. There are some exceptions. Please contact IDEM NetDMR if you have questions about this.

Submitting a revised NetDMR

Yes, by opening the submitted NetDMR for a particular monitoring period, the NetDMR user can pull up the originally submitted DMR, change the dropdown box to say “Correct DMR” before clicking on “Go” to open it, make changes and submit as a Revised NetDMR. Be sure to attach the corresponding MMR/MRO if changes were also made on it.

Requesting signature authority in NetDMR, after establishing a CDX account

A request for the signatory role will require submission of a subscriber agreement within the live/production side of NetDMR. The applicant must agree to its terms and conditions and then print, sign, and mail the form to IDEM before the NetDMR application can be fully accessed.

Note: Until the first signatory role is approved for a permit, no other roles can be requested for the permit.

Notification when there is a change in signatory authority

Besides registering in CDX, the new signatory will need to create a new account in NetDMR and submit a new Subscriber Agreement. Also, the new Signatory should send an email to IDEM NetDMR to let IDEM know. Upon completion of the registration process and approval from IDEM, the new signatory will be able to electronically sign the NetDMR.

Viewing or extracting the NetDMR data to print it

These are the steps to view and print a NetDMR Copy of Record (COR) or submission:

Either download the copy of record from NetDMR or move the Copy of Record (COR) from your confirmation email. It will be a zip file containing the submitted monitoring results, attachments, an electronic signature and a submission receipt. The file will be named something similar to “”.

You may want to create a folder on your desktop to move or copy the COR zip file to. To create a folder (right click on an area of your desktop and select “New”=>”Folder”, change the name to NetDMR).

Download from NetDMR or move or copy the NetDMR COR “NetDMR_COR_21473” into your new folder. Once the COR file has been placed into the new folder double click the folder to open the folder and view the files inside. Right click on the COR file and select “Extract All”. Depending on the number of attachments you should now see several files. The file with the name “dmrSubmission.xml” contains your DMR monitoring results. The other files will be your MRO or MMR along with an electronic signature and a submission receipt.

To view your DMR submission, right click on the file “dmrSubmission.xml” and select “open”. Your web browser will open and display what appears to be a copy of the NetDMR data entry screen with all of your monitoring results for the permitted feature (outfall) for the month. From here you can print the copy of record to your local printer or save it as a pdf file. It is best to orient the NetDMR page to “Landscape” (instead of “Portrait”) so that the font will not be too small, prior to printing it.

Computer System Requirements

NetDMR is a web based system and requires Internet and a web browser for a facility to gain access. NetDMR requires the following:

  • Internet Access Requirements: High-speed access to the Internet, such as DSL, cable-modem, T1, or partial T1
  • Hardware Requirements: Minimum Pentium III processor and 128 megabytes of RAM
  • Browser Minimum Requirements: Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.X or Firefox 2.X, with Cookies and JavaScript enabled
  • Screen Resolution Requirements: 1024 x 768