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The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has created several web-based tools to assist the public with viewing and using different types of environmental data:


  • Grant Reporting and Tracking System (GRTS):
    • This U.S. EPA database is an interactive data reporting with mapping application to facilitate access to project data through a common interface for searching and retrieval of all Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program projects. This is the database used by staff for reporting Section 319 grant activities. This interface uses geographic information systems (GIS) and data tables to display the watershed management planning, implementation, education, assessment, and program support projects funded through this program. To assist you with Guest Access to this database, IDEM had provided a brief tutorial.
  • Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) Finder:
    • This is an interactive map of the statewide watershed delineations as developed in 1991 for Indiana and updated nationally in 2009. The original 1991 data was built using criteria specific for Indiana’s surface hydrography, and the U.S. Geological Survey designations for Sub-basin, Watershed, and Subwatershed were assigned the 8-, 11-, and 14-digit codes representing these drainage areas. In 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey was tasked to delineate nationally the subwatershed level using criteria appropriate for the diversity in the national hydrography. The new designations for the national effort resulted in using the 8-, 10-, and 12-digit coding to represent the Sub-basin, Watershed, and Subwatershed drainage areas. The HUC Finder overlays the 2 systems to help watershed coordinators and others recognize the changes that may have occurred and the hydrologic unit coding system.
  • Impaired Waters (e303d):
    • This web-GIS application provides a display of the impaired waters along with additional information associated with the listings, such as the development status of TMDLs and the establishment of watershed management plans (WMPs). This application offers users the ability to zoom to their address, water body, county, or watershed, identify waterbodies and all associated listing category data, TMDLs and WMPs where these activities are or have been occurring in the selected area, and provides the assessments reported in the Integrated Report. You may also read the tutorial first.
  • IDEM e-Services Portal:
    • Access IDEM’s available information and data management services. The services can provide direct access to more than 25 million virtual documents and files, allow you to complete a permit or regulatory application online, or even view public data from an agency database.
  • IDEM Resources:
    • General information on IDEM acronyms, grants and loans, office locations, public records and maps.
  • Volunteer Mitigation Sites:
    • A conduit for State employees, environmental consultants, and the public to share information regarding potential mitigation sites for wetlands, streams, lakes or other water features.
  • WMP and TMDL Reports Search (WATRS) Tool:
    • This is a quick reference for identifying Watershed Planning and TMDL development available in any area of interest in Indiana while providing links to the plans and reports.
  • Watershed Groups Finder:
    • This is an interactive map that allows individuals and groups to find other groups working on water quality and watershed related issues to share information and experiences and to coordinate efforts in adjacent areas.