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Indiana E-Cycle Outreach Materials

Local governments, retailers, collectors, recyclers, manufacturers, and others can use the outreach materials on this page to educate their residents and customers about Indiana E-Cycle and Indiana's electronics recycling law.

Indiana E-Cycle Customer/Resident Education Signs

The Indiana E-Cycle customer/resident education sign may be used by electronics retailers, local governments, or others that want to post information reminding customers or residents that electronics cannot be thrown away and must be recycled. The second sign is fillable so that your contact information can be added.

Indiana E-Cycle Handbill

The two-sided Indiana E-Cycle 1/3-page handbill [PDF] covers the basic information and most frequently asked questions about the program and electronics recycling. It can be used as an insert in bills or other mailings or in situations where you would like a smaller handout.

Indiana E-Cycle Poster

Indiana E-Cycle posters [PDF] are 18 by 24 inches and designed for use at collection sites, in classrooms, and at other locations.

Indiana E-Cycle Sticker

The Indiana E-Cycle Sticker [PDF] is intended to be placed on electronic devices that cannot be thrown away with one’s trash.