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Frequently Asked Questions

DOC Ombudsman Bureau FAQs

Is the Ombudsman Bureau part of the DOC? No. The Ombudsman Bureau was created by the legislature as an independent review source separate from the DOC.

What is an Ombudsman? The word “Ombudsman” refers to someone who speaks for people who cannot speak for themselves.

How can the Ombudsman help me? The Ombudsman Bureau can investigate your issue for a violation in the policies and procedures of the DOC and make recommendations to the DOC based on any substantiated violation.

Who can file complaints? The Ombudsman Bureau can receive complaints from any source including but not limited to both offenders and family members.

Will the DOC know if I file a complaint? Your name will not be disclosed without your permission except to the extent necessary to investigate and resolve your complaint.

How will I know if the Ombudsman Bureau has received my letter? 85 percent of our mail is answered within 10 days. Should it take any longer it is because the complaint is pending investigation. Beyond 20 days 98 percent of our complaints are resolved.

What types of matters can the Bureau investigate? The Bureau can investigate any matter that is covered in the policies and procedures of the DOC.

What types of matters can the Bureau not investigate? The Bureau cannot investigate complaints concerning any matter in litigation.

What if I have more questions? Call or write the Ombudsman Bureau at (317)234-3190,  or 402 W. Washington Street W479 Indianapolis IN 46204, or

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