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Fleet Services

IDOA Fleet Services provides a variety of vehicle services to state agencies. Fleet Services is divided into two sections: Vehicle Administration and Vehicle Maintenance.

Fleet Management Policy

Fleet Services Division Operation

601 W McCarty Street
Indianapolis, IN 46225

Director of Fleet Services
Nate Oliver

State Vehicle Fleet Available for Agency Rental

IDOA Fleet Services manages a limited pool of vehicles that are available to state agencies for rental while conducting state business.  To check availability, pricing and make a reservation contact:

Vehicles should be reserved one week prior to intended use.

If a fleet vehicle is unavailable, rentals can be secured through the State's contracted vendor, Daily Rentals: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Contract.

Vehicle Administration

Vehicle administration manages state agency vehicle purchases, the registration and titling of state-owned vehicles, vehicle auctions and monthly ID billing. It also maintains the state fleet management system to promote the effective use of the vehicle fleet database (M5) to meet all directives, assisting agencies in managing their vehicle fleets in accordance with Indiana government policies and goals.

Contact Information: (317) 234-8028

Vehicle Acquisition

Agency travel administrators have three distinct options available to secure a vehicle for state business:

  • Purchase of an agency-owned vehicle
  • Rental of a vendor supplied vehicle
  • Use of a personal vehicle for state business

State Travel Administrators must weigh all of these options when considering how to meet the transportation needs of their agency at the lowest cost to the state.

These guidelines are provided to assist departments when ordering vehicles. To avoid delays and ensure appropriate vehicles are ordered, discuss agency needs with the IDOA Fleet Director.

Vehicle Order Forms

  • Vehicle Replacement Request | State Form 55149
    State Employees will need to login to access the form
  • Vehicle Justification | .pdf


Agencies shall receive approval for a vehicle purchase from IDOA Fleet Service Division PRIOR to entering a requisition into PeopleSoft. This will help reduce the need for delays and cancellations should there be additional questions or denials.

To initiate a vehicle replacement request, an agency should contact the Director of Fleet Service with the immediate need. Immediate replacement requests should be justified within the vehicle replacement request form, and through the answers to the acquisition justification found on the IDOA website under Vehicle Acquisition.

IDOA recommends that all vehicle purchase request be made from the Vehicle QPA’s available.

Manufacturer Build Out Dates

Submit vehicle requests as soon as possible to ensure a vehicle will be available when needed and to avoid manufacturer build outs. Build outs occur when the manufacturer no longer accepts orders for the current model year.

Estimated build out dates are projected by the manufacturer and may change without notice to IDOA procurement and vehicle administration. Build out dates can occur as early as April. IDOA procurement will notify departments of vehicle orders received after the build out dates.  Departments may then cancel the order or hold and order the next model year.

Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Vehicle Administration continues to order alternative fuel vehicles. The state of Indiana must comply with the Energy Policy Act (EPACT) of 1992 requiring 75 percent of vehicles with GVW under 8,500 lbs. be alternative fuel vehicles.

State Agency Vehicle Disposal Process

Documents required

Agencies must submit:

In additional to submitting SF 13812, all surplus vehicles are to be delivered to Fleet Services between the hours of 8:00a.m. and 3:30p.m. Monday through Friday.

Fleet Services
601 W. McCarty Street Ste 125
Indianapolis, IN 46225

Units must not be missing ANY mechanical or auto body parts (components, battery, tires, etc...), nor is any unit to be driven or removed from parking location once surplus form has been submitted.

Send Information to:
Fleet Services Vehicle Administration

Disposal Process

Titles will be pulled and verified against surplus form(s) or excel spread sheet; agency will be notified of any discrepancy.

Fleet Service will review for possible reassignment within the state's fleet.  Agencies will be notified of a possible reassignment.  Units that are not transferred to other state agencies will be posted online and local units of government will have the opportunity to review units online for 5 days at

Complete the registration process to bid on available assets. After registering, you will be notified of all asset listings as they are created. This is a one-time registration and is free of charge.

Once registered, you will be notified by email anytime we list an item.   You will be given a link to the auction and instructed to notify the Fleet Service contact auction’s person if you are interested in the item.  If you do not want to receive the emails, do not register, but you will not know what vehicles are available.

Vehicle Auctions

Vehicles available at auction

Pursuant to IC 5-22-21-11:

The [IDOA] commissioner may prohibit any of the following from bidding on property sold under this chapter or IC 5-22-22 [state surplus personal property] when a state employee has participated in the disposal process of the state agency that has possession of the property:

  1. The state employee.
  2. The spouse of the state employee.
  3. An unemancipated child of the state employee.
  4. An agent of any of the individuals described in subdivisions (1) through (3).

The IDOA commissioner has determined that any individual involved with the disposal of state owned vehicles, including but not limited to individuals whose job it is to manage the asset inventory, those individuals involved with the vehicle auctioneer selection process, or any individual who determines which specific vehicles are to be sold, are prohibited from bidding on surplus state-owned vehicles. It is further understood that state employees must be on preapproved leave time (i.e vacation or personnel time) when attending such auctions.

Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicle maintenance provides a state-of-the-art repair facility that includes automotive repairs and auto body repairs. Vehicle maintenance also provides a self-service car wash and fuel island for state vehicles.

Contact Information: (317) 232-1382