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Bidder Profile Registration

Do We Have a Bidder Profile?

The primary contact’s email address on the bidder profile is used to sign into the Supplier Portal.
Let's Check
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Registered Bidders List

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Bidder Registration Guide

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Supplier Portal Training

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Create a Bidder Profile

You can follow the Bidder Registration Guide to complete and submit the Bidder Registration Application.
Create a Bidder Profile

Access the Supplier Portal

You can view and respond to current bidding opportunities, make updates to the bidder profile, report through Pay Audit, complete the Buy Indiana and Supplier Diversity Applications and submit the ACE form.

Access the Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal Training

This training resource covers the following: the process to determine if a bidder profile already exists, how to sign into the Supplier Portal, what can be accessed or updated after signing in, how to sign out, where to find related information on the IDOA website, and how to submit a request for assistance.

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What can We Access Through the Supplier Portal?

After a bidder profile has been created, the primary contact can sign into the Supplier Portal to:

  • View or respond to current bidding opportunities by following these step-by step instructions.
  • Make updates to the bidder profile.
  • Report Prime Contractor or certified Subcontractor contractual payments.
  • Complete and submit the Buy Indiana Application.
  • Complete and submit the Supplier Diversity Application.
  • Complete and submit the Affirmation of Continued Eligibility (ACE) Form.

Notice for Bidding Opportunities

Current Bidding Opportunities (solicitations) can be found on the Current Business Opportunities web page.

Review the sourcing documents to adhere to the submission process specific to each event. Timelines remain critical. Each process requires actions to be taken prior to submission that pose potential risk of delay outside the control of the State and of the Respondent.

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