2025/03/26 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 1 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training (T4T) | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/26 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 2 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 1 | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/26 | 08:00am | 4:00pm | Conference 22 Harrison Hall | DCS Foster Care/Kinship Supervisor Mtgs. | Child Services, Department of | 97094076 |
2025/03/26 | 08:00am | 4:00pm | Conference 3 Wabash Hall | BMV Audit Team Training | Motor Vehicles, Bureau of | 97094800 |
2025/03/26 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 4 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 2 | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/26 | 08:00am | 1:00pm | Conference 6 Wabash Hall | FSSA PMHI Team Meeting | Family & Social Services Administration | 97095044 |
2025/03/26 | 08:30am | 5:00pm | Conference 15 Harrison Hall | IDEM ISO14001-EMS Training | Environmental Management, Department of | 97095110 |
2025/03/26 | 09:00am | 12:00pm | Conference 18 Harrison Hall | BMV Agency Programs Monthly Gathering | Motor Vehicles, Bureau of | 97094502 |
2025/03/26 | 09:00am | 12:00pm | Conference 19 Harrison Hall | DNR Public Works Training | Natural Resources, Department of | 97094997 |
2025/03/26 | 09:00am | 12:00pm | Conference 7 Wabash Hall | MPH Data Science Team Meeting | Management Performance Hub | 97095103 |
2025/03/26 | 09:30am | 12:30pm | Conference 10 Cardinal Hall | DOC SCS Team Meeting | Correction, Department of | 97094931 |
2025/03/26 | 09:30am | 11:00am | Conference 17 Harrison Hall | FSSA DMHA Executive Team Meeting | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094173 |
2025/03/26 | 10:00am | 11:00am | Auditorium | BMV Town Hall | Motor Vehicles, Bureau of | 97094795 |
2025/03/26 | 10:00am | 11:00am | Conference 12 Cardinal Hall | IARA Oversight Cmte. on Public Records | Archives and Records Admin, Indiana | 97094619 |
2025/03/26 | 10:00am | 12:00pm | Conference A | FSSA ELAC Meeting | Family & Social Services Administration | 97095068 |
2025/03/26 | 12:00pm | 1:00pm | Conference 17 Harrison Hall | INDOT Quarterly Legal Meeting | Transportation, Department of | 97094971 |
2025/03/26 | 1:00pm | 3:00pm | Conference B+C | FSSA DMHA Quarterly All Staff | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094355 |
2025/03/26 | 3:00pm | 4:30pm | Conference 17 Harrison Hall | FSSA/eimagine - Executive Business | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094986 |
2025/03/27 | 07:00am | 5:00pm | Auditorium | IGA TeenPact | House of Representatives | 97092748 |
2025/03/27 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 1 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training (T4T) | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/27 | 08:00am | 12:00pm | Conference 17 Harrison Hall | IDEM Managers' Meeting | Environmental Management, Department of | 97094942 |
2025/03/27 | 08:00am | 4:00pm | Conference 18 Harrison Hall | DOC Influential Leadership Training | Correction, Department of | 97094947 |
2025/03/27 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 2 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 1 | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/27 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 4 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 2 | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/27 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 5 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 3 | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/27 | 09:00am | 09:30am | Conference 19 Harrison Hall | DWD Coffee N Chat | Workforce Development, Department of | 97094879 |
2025/03/27 | 09:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 6 Wabash Hall | DCS Monthly Leadership Meeting | Child Services, Department of | 97095045 |
2025/03/27 | 09:00am | 1:00pm | Conference C | INDOT MPO Meeting | Transportation, Department of | 97094732 |
2025/03/27 | 09:30am | 3:00pm | Conference 30 Harrison Hall | FSSA QC/Medicaid Meeting | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094924 |
2025/03/27 | 10:00am | 11:00am | Conference 3 Wabash Hall | IGC Executive Session | Gaming Commission | 97094778 |
2025/03/27 | 11:00am | 2:00pm | Conference 22 Harrison Hall | IGC Business Meeting | Gaming Commission | 97094765 |
2025/03/27 | 12:30pm | 3:00pm | Conference D | FSSA Mortality Review Committee Meeting | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094243 |
2025/03/27 | 1:00pm | 3:00pm | Conference 12 Cardinal Hall | IPAC Staff Meeting | Prosecuting Attorneys Council | 97094646 |
2025/03/27 | 1:00pm | 3:00pm | Conference 19 Harrison Hall | IDEM Knowledge Cafe | Environmental Management, Department of | 97094521 |
2025/03/27 | 1:00pm | 2:30pm | Conference 8 Wabash Hall | DNR Public Engagement Team Meeting | Natural Resources, Department of | 97094631 |
2025/03/27 | 2:00pm | 3:30pm | Conference 15 Harrison Hall | CJI IDCC - Indiana Data Collaboration | Criminal Justice Institute | 97094817 |
2025/03/27 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | Conference 7 Wabash Hall | IOT 2024 In Review | Technology, Office of | 97095094 |
2025/03/28 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 1 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training (T4T) | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/28 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 2 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 1 | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/28 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 4 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 2 | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/28 | 08:00am | 4:30pm | Conference 5 Wabash Hall | FSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 3 | Family & Social Services Administration | 97094492 |
2025/03/28 | 08:30am | 11:00am | Conference 12 Cardinal Hall | DOC SCAR Staff Meeting | Correction, Department of | 97094652 |
2025/03/31 | 08:30am | 3:30pm | Conference B+C | New Employee Orientation | Personnel, State Department of | 97093252 |
2025/03/31 | 09:00am | 11:00am | Conference 6 Wabash Hall | DNR INHDC Team Meeting | Natural Resources, Department of | 97094956 |
2025/03/31 | 09:00am | 10:00am | Conference F Cardinal Hall | DNR Weekly Bureau Meeting | Natural Resources, Department of | 97094561 |
2025/03/31 | 10:00am | 12:00pm | Conference 12 Cardinal Hall | MPH Managers Meeting | Management Performance Hub | 97095100 |
2025/03/31 | 1:00pm | 4:00pm | Conference F Cardinal Hall | DNR ELT | Natural Resources, Department of | 97094727 |
2025/03/31 | 3:00pm | 4:30pm | Conference A | DCS Cohort Training Onboarding Meeting | Child Services, Department of | 97093142 |
2025/04/01 | 08:00am | 5:00pm | Conference 18 Harrison Hall | DOC Aramark Meeting | Correction, Department of | 97094893 |
2025/04/01 | 08:00am | 2:00pm | Conference C | State Employee Blood Drive | Personnel, State Department of | 97094448 |