Department of Administration
Conference Center

Below are the meetings that are currently scheduled in the Conference Center for the next 90 days.

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Event DateStart TimeEnd timeConference RoomEventAgencyContract #
2025/03/2608:00am4:30pmConference 1 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training (T4T)Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2608:00am4:30pmConference 2 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 1Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2608:00am4:00pmConference 22 Harrison HallDCS Foster Care/Kinship Supervisor Mtgs.Child Services, Department of97094076
2025/03/2608:00am4:00pmConference 3 Wabash HallBMV Audit Team TrainingMotor Vehicles, Bureau of97094800
2025/03/2608:00am4:30pmConference 4 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 2Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2608:00am1:00pmConference 6 Wabash HallFSSA PMHI Team MeetingFamily & Social Services Administration97095044
2025/03/2608:30am5:00pmConference 15 Harrison HallIDEM ISO14001-EMS TrainingEnvironmental Management, Department of97095110
2025/03/2609:00am12:00pmConference 18 Harrison HallBMV Agency Programs Monthly GatheringMotor Vehicles, Bureau of97094502
2025/03/2609:00am12:00pmConference 19 Harrison HallDNR Public Works TrainingNatural Resources, Department of97094997
2025/03/2609:00am12:00pmConference 7 Wabash HallMPH Data Science Team MeetingManagement Performance Hub97095103
2025/03/2609:30am12:30pmConference 10 Cardinal HallDOC SCS Team MeetingCorrection, Department of97094931
2025/03/2609:30am11:00amConference 17 Harrison HallFSSA DMHA Executive Team MeetingFamily & Social Services Administration97094173
2025/03/2610:00am11:00amAuditoriumBMV Town HallMotor Vehicles, Bureau of97094795
2025/03/2610:00am11:00amConference 12 Cardinal HallIARA Oversight Cmte. on Public RecordsArchives and Records Admin, Indiana97094619
2025/03/2610:00am12:00pmConference AFSSA ELAC MeetingFamily & Social Services Administration97095068
2025/03/2612:00pm1:00pmConference 17 Harrison HallINDOT Quarterly Legal MeetingTransportation, Department of97094971
2025/03/261:00pm3:00pmConference B+CFSSA DMHA Quarterly All StaffFamily & Social Services Administration97094355
2025/03/263:00pm4:30pmConference 17 Harrison HallFSSA/eimagine - Executive BusinessFamily & Social Services Administration97094986
2025/03/2707:00am5:00pmAuditoriumIGA TeenPactHouse of Representatives97092748
2025/03/2708:00am4:30pmConference 1 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training (T4T)Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2708:00am12:00pmConference 17 Harrison HallIDEM Managers' MeetingEnvironmental Management, Department of97094942
2025/03/2708:00am4:00pmConference 18 Harrison HallDOC Influential Leadership TrainingCorrection, Department of97094947
2025/03/2708:00am4:30pmConference 2 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 1Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2708:00am4:30pmConference 4 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 2Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2708:00am4:30pmConference 5 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 3Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2709:00am09:30amConference 19 Harrison HallDWD Coffee N ChatWorkforce Development, Department of97094879
2025/03/2709:00am4:30pmConference 6 Wabash HallDCS Monthly Leadership MeetingChild Services, Department of97095045
2025/03/2709:00am1:00pmConference CINDOT MPO MeetingTransportation, Department of97094732
2025/03/2709:30am3:00pmConference 30 Harrison HallFSSA QC/Medicaid MeetingFamily & Social Services Administration97094924
2025/03/2710:00am11:00amConference 3 Wabash HallIGC Executive SessionGaming Commission97094778
2025/03/2711:00am2:00pmConference 22 Harrison HallIGC Business MeetingGaming Commission97094765
2025/03/2712:30pm3:00pmConference DFSSA Mortality Review Committee MeetingFamily & Social Services Administration97094243
2025/03/271:00pm3:00pmConference 12 Cardinal HallIPAC Staff MeetingProsecuting Attorneys Council97094646
2025/03/271:00pm3:00pmConference 19 Harrison HallIDEM Knowledge CafeEnvironmental Management, Department of97094521
2025/03/271:00pm2:30pmConference 8 Wabash HallDNR Public Engagement Team MeetingNatural Resources, Department of97094631
2025/03/272:00pm3:30pmConference 15 Harrison HallCJI IDCC - Indiana Data CollaborationCriminal Justice Institute97094817
2025/03/273:00pm4:00pmConference 7 Wabash HallIOT 2024 In ReviewTechnology, Office of97095094
2025/03/2808:00am4:30pmConference 1 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training (T4T)Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2808:00am4:30pmConference 2 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 1Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2808:00am4:30pmConference 4 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 2Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2808:00am4:30pmConference 5 Wabash HallFSSA ASIST Trainer Training Breakout 3Family & Social Services Administration97094492
2025/03/2808:30am11:00amConference 12 Cardinal HallDOC SCAR Staff MeetingCorrection, Department of97094652
2025/03/3108:30am3:30pmConference B+CNew Employee OrientationPersonnel, State Department of97093252
2025/03/3109:00am11:00amConference 6 Wabash HallDNR INHDC Team MeetingNatural Resources, Department of97094956
2025/03/3109:00am10:00amConference F Cardinal HallDNR Weekly Bureau MeetingNatural Resources, Department of97094561
2025/03/3110:00am12:00pmConference 12 Cardinal HallMPH Managers MeetingManagement Performance Hub97095100
2025/03/311:00pm4:00pmConference F Cardinal HallDNR ELTNatural Resources, Department of97094727
2025/03/313:00pm4:30pmConference ADCS Cohort Training Onboarding MeetingChild Services, Department of97093142
2025/04/0108:00am5:00pmConference 18 Harrison HallDOC Aramark MeetingCorrection, Department of97094893
2025/04/0108:00am2:00pmConference CState Employee Blood DrivePersonnel, State Department of97094448
Showing 1 to 50 of 728 entries

List last updated Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 1:00:08 AM