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Based on the outcome of the Governor’s Commission meeting held on January 12, 2009, the DSD office will only consider applications from out-of-state companies that are based in a state that recognizes Indiana certifications. The new procedures require the DSD office to not accept applications for certification from states that disallow like certification to Indiana certified minority, women and veteran owned businesses.

The following states do allow Indiana based businesses to apply for certification; therefore, firms based in these states may be considered for certification through the State of Indiana’s Division of Supplier Diversity.

Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin

Only those states listed above are eligible to participate in Indiana’s DSD certification program.

  • View the Certification Application Process
  • Obtain a Bidder Registration Number by registering with the Indiana Department of Administration Procurement Division. Your Bidder Registration Number will create a unique identifier for your company in the State’s system, allow you to log on to the State’s website to maintain your profile and access important information.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)

Effective February 16, 2009, The Division of Supplier Diversity will not consider Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification.

National Programs

Indiana’s Division of Supplier Diversity does not accept certifications from national programs.

Out-of-State MBE/WBE Firm Requirements

  1. Out-of-state businesses must be headquartered in a state that recognizes Indiana Certifications.
  2. Applications from out-of-state enterprises must meet State of Indiana requirements 25 IAC 5-3-7 (pdf).
  3. Out-of-state firms must have equivalent certification from its state government agency. Proof of state certification must be provided with the certification application packet. City, county, commission and council certifications do not fulfill this requirement.
  4. For new out-of-state applications, a copy of the official onsite that was conducted by its state certifying agency must be provided to the DSD. The onsite had to be conducted within three years of the date the application was submitted to the DSD.
    The Division of Supplier Diversity does not require on-sites for out-of-state firms seeking recertification; however, DSD reserves the right to request a current on-site report at its discretion.

Out-of-State IVOSB Firm Requirements

Applications from out-of-state IVOSB enterprises must meet State of Indiana requirements pursuant to Administrative Rule 25 IAC Article 9.

Applications that do not include all items listed above will not meet the standards of certification as an MBE, WBE or IVOSBs in the State of Indiana and will not be considered for certification. The Division of Supplier Diversity reserves the right to grant or deny certification in accordance with these terms.

Indiana Border States – Quick Reference


Central Management Services (CMS) is recognized as the official MBE/WBE certifying agency for the state of Illinois. As part of their application, all Illinois firms must provide a copy of the Illinois certification conducted by CMS (i.e., the same certifying agency that awarded the certification.) CMS onsite documentation must be dated within the last three years.

The Division of Supplier Diversity DOES NOT accept applications from Illinois companies that did not go through the full CMS BEP Certification application process.  This means that if a firm first gained certification from a governmental agency or private organization and then used an existing recognition process to become certified with CMS, they cannot apply to Indiana for MBE, WBE or IVOSBs certification.  This would include certifications from, but not limited to, IDOT, CTA, Chicago Minority Business Development Council, METRA, PACE, the City of Chicago, or METRA.

Only firms that were certified directly through CMS’s full application process may apply to Indiana. Please note after Indiana requests the onsite report from CMS, we have no control over how long they may take to respond to us; we recommend you contact CMS and follow-up with them whether they have forwarded the onsite to Indiana.


Kentucky may be considered for certification through the State of Indiana's Division of Supplier Diversity.


Ohio does not recognize Indiana based firms for certification through the Ohio Department of Administration (OHDAS). We are unable to accept any Ohio companies for Indiana certification.

Businesses that are certified as DBEs through the Ohio Department of Transportation may not apply for DSD certification with the State of Indiana


Michigan does not have a state certification program. The DSD is unable to accept any Michigan companies for Indiana certification.