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INDOT is responsible for constructing and maintaining interstate highways, U.S. routes and state roads in Indiana, including adjacent overpasses, ramps and traffic control devices, including signs and traffic signals, on these roadways.

Local cities, counties and towns are responsible for Indiana roadways that are not interstate highways, U.S. routes, or state roads.

INDOT also administers federal highway funds provided to cities, towns and counties, and supports and provides financial assistance to public transit systems, freight and passenger rail and port facilities. INDOT also encourages and assists in the development of airports, landing fields, and other aviation navigation facilities.

INDOT has six district offices that handle day-to-day operations such as construction and detours, traffic signal operations, permits, and maintenance operations, including repairing potholes and plowing snow, along with various other responsibilities.

  • INDOT maintains more than 29,000 lane miles (over 11,200 centerline miles) of highways in Indiana.
  • INDOT is responsible for maintaining more than 5,700 bridges across the state.
  • INDOT supports approximately 4,500 rail miles and regulates more than 110 public access airports across the state.
  • INDOT has approximately 3,600 employees, making it one of the state’s largest agencies.
  • INDOT’s FY 2024 capital program budget was approximately $2.23 billion.
  • INDOT’s FY 2024 operating obligations was approximately $633.8 million.

INDOT Funding

INDOT currently receives funding from several sources, with the primary source being federal and state motor fuel taxes. The federal fuel tax currently is 18 cents per gallon on gasoline and 24 cents per gallon on diesel fuel.

As of July 1, 2024, Indiana state fuel taxes are 35 cents per gallon on gasoline and 59 cents per gallon on diesel fuel. INDOT also receives Indiana’s 7% sales tax on gasoline sales, a motor carrier surcharge tax, international registration program fees, and Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicle fees.

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