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US 40 & US 27 Pavement Project Downtown Richmond

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is planning to rebuild nearly two miles of southbound U.S. 27 and nearly one mile of eastbound U.S. 40 in the city of Richmond.

INDOT has awarded a $23.9 million construction contract to Gradex, Inc. Construction began in March 2017 and  is expected to be complete by May 2019.

In addition to rebuilding the roadways, the project will also include:

  • New water mains
  • New drainage and modernized storm sewer
  • New ADA curb ramps and sidewalks
  • New traffic signals with wireless interconnectivity
  • New traffic signs

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U.S. 27 Construction

Southbound U.S. 27 (8th Street) construction will span from the Whitewater River bridge, where a previous construction project on Chester Boulevard ended, south to the O Street overpass, where each direction of U.S. 27 splits, on the south side of Richmond.

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U.S. 27 Phase 1 – Finishes Fall 2017

The first phase of construction will include:

  • straightening the alignment of southbound U.S. 27 near the intersection of North C Street,
  • rebuilding State Road 121/North J Street approaching U.S. 27, and
  • rebuilding both directions of U.S. 27 between North B Street and the Whitewater River, excluding the bridge over the railroad.

Work will reduce U.S. 27 to one lane in each direction between North B Street and the Whitewater River bridge. Multiple traffic shifts will be required to maintain one lane in each direction and rebuild the roadway one side at a time. Access to and from intersecting streets will be temporarily closed while that side of the roadway is being rebuilt.

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U.S. 27 Phase 2 – Begins May 9, Finishes Summer 2018

The second phase of construction will include rebuilding the west half of southbound U.S. 27 between North C Street and the South O Street overpass. Traffic will be reduced to one lane and shifted to the east side of the road. A section between South C and F streets will temporarily remain shifted to the west side of the road.

Multiple traffic lane shifts will be required to maintain one open lane and rebuild the roadway one side at a time. Access to and from intersecting streets will be temporarily closed while that side of the roadway is being rebuilt.

Weather permitting, contractors intend to finish one half of the southbound U.S. 27 rebuild this year. Once complete, one lane of traffic will be shifted to the west side of the road and the eastern half will be finished in 2018.

U.S. 40 Construction

Eastbound U.S. 40 (South A Street and 11th Street) construction will span from the Whitewater River gorge bridge east to 11th Street, and will include 11th Street from South A Street north to Main Street.

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Eastbound U.S. 40 – Begins Early 2018, Finishes Before End of 2018

Eastbound U.S. 40 (South A Street and 11th Street) construction is scheduled to begin in 2018. The rebuild will span from the Lamar Lundy Memorial Bridge over the Whitewater River gorge to 11th Street and will include 11th Street from South A Street to Main Street.

South A Street will remain open during construction, and 11th Street will be closed for up to 45 days. U.S. 40 traffic will be detoured to 16th Street during the closure of 11th Street.

Maintaining Traffic

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Southbound U.S. 27 (8th Street) will be rebuilt one-half at a time. One lane of traffic will be shifted to one side of the road while the other side is closed for construction. While some side street access will be closed, U.S. 27 will remain open during construction.

Eastbound U.S. 40 (South A Street) will also be rebuilt one-half at a time. One lane of traffic will be shifted to one side of the road while the other side is closed for construction. Some side street access will be closed, but South A Street will remain open during construction.

11th Street will be closed for up to 45 days during construction. Traffic will be detoured to 16th Street during this short-term closure.

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Pavement Innovation

U.S. 40 between 3rd Street and 11th Street will be rebuilt using precast concrete panels.  This construction method is being used in several other states, and this project will be the first to use precast concrete panel pavement in Indiana.

By using precast panels, INDOT intends to reduce the pavement depth and potential conflicts with existing underground utilities. These panels are removable and replaceable, so any future maintenance required on the undergound utilities should not damage the pavement. In addition, using precast panels will reduce the time needed for construction, minimize future roadway maintenance needs and extend the pavement life expectancy.

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