Indiana Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation
2023 Statewide Pavement Management System Update
Indiana 2023 IDEA
This program presents the results of the Indiana Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation 2023 pavement management system update. During this project the runway, taxiway, apron, and T-hangar pavements at selected airports in Indiana were evaluated. This program presents the results of the APMS update and is organized into the following modules accessible from the menu above:
Statewide Summary—View a summary of pavement inventory area, age, and condition information at the statewide level. This section also includes a link to the Statewide Executive Summary Report.
Airport Details—View detailed information about each individual airport including inventory information, condition data, work history information, photographs, the proposed maintenance and rehabilitation plan, and a copy of the individual report.
Maintenance Guidelines—View general recommendations for pavement maintenance at Indiana airports as well as FAA guidelines for pavement maintenance.
Pavement Inspection—Review background information on the PCI survey method used to assess pavement condition.
Miscellaneous—View definitions of acronyms used throughout the IDEA, and learn about this program as well as Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.