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Soil and Water Conservation Districts

Across Indiana, 92 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) - one in every county - help Indiana residents to conserve land, water, forests, wildlife and related natural resources that encompass our state's 23 million acres. Their mission is to coordinate assistance from available sources - public and private, local, state and federal - in an effort to develop locally driven solutions to natural resource concerns.

Indiana's 92 SWCD supervisors represent over 450 volunteers across the state serving in elected or appointed positions on SWCD governing boards. These men and women, along with staff at the local level, work with landowners in the country, our cities and towns, and the land areas in between.

Local Soil and Water Conservation Districts are uniquely positioned to bring a critical environmental perspective to land use and economic development decisions. The future of conservation in Indiana is bright and the potential of local Districts is unlimited thanks to the commitment from elected officials and individuals, and due to continued support for Indiana conservation and our 92 Soil and Water Conservation Districts through Clean Water Indiana.

Soil and water / quality of life, they go hand-in-hand — clearly defining the health and sustainability of Indiana's rural and urban communities. Soil and water conservation also represents a strong and vibrant Indiana and ensures its future. Whether you live on a farm, in a small town, or in the heart of an urban center, health and sustainable Indiana communities begin with the wise management of our natural resources. And, the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts and local SWCDs are at the forefront of this conservation initiative.

Contact Your Local SWCD