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Judges & Lawyers Assistance Program

Improving lives. Fostering connection.

Learn more about JLAP

Contact Information

*Please note our new address

Indiana Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program
201 N. Illinois St, Suite 950
Indianapolis, IN 46204

866-428-JLAP (5527) TOLL FREE
317-833-0371 FAX

More contact information


JLAP logoBecause of the sensitive nature of mental health and substance use issues, law students, attorneys, or judges who need help—or want to assist someone else who might need help—are often reluctant to seek assistance. Recognizing this concern, and in order to foster early and confidential contact, the Indiana Supreme Court authorized the creation of JLAP with the passage of Rule 31 of the Indiana Rules on Admission to the Bar and Discipline of Attorneys.

All contact with JLAP is confidential under Admission and Discipline Rule 31 §9 and Rules of Professional Conduct 8.3 (c).