The General Assembly established the Tax Court effective July 1, 1986
Learn about the CourtThe Tax Court has exclusive jurisdiction over any case that arises under the Indiana tax laws and that is an initial appeal of a final determination made by the Indiana Department of State Revenue or the Indiana Board of Tax Review. In addition, the Tax Court has jurisdiction over certain appeals from the Department of Local Government Finance.
Apply to be a Judicial Law Clerk
The Indiana Tax Court is currently accepting applications for a Judicial Law Clerk. This is a full-time position with an anticipated start date in April 2025.
Upcoming oral arguments & hearings
Contact Information
Indiana Tax Court
115 W. Washington Street
Suite 960S
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Court Administrator
Karyn Graves
Pho: 317-232-4694
Filing Information
Clerk of the Appellate Courts
Main office: 317-232-1930
Records: 317-232-7225