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Maps are an integral part of each Decennial Census and obtaining Census data. A specific geography needs to be selected before the necessary data can be found. In many instances the geography is known, but sometimes it is necessary to locate on a map the correct geography. The Data Center collection includes many maps, most published since the 1970 Census. There are maps previous to that date, too, although the dates of publication are intermittent.

The Census Bureau provides maps showing political subdivisions:

  • United States
  • Regions
  • States
  • Counties
  • Townships
  • Cities and Towns
  • Voting Districts/Precincts

The Census Bureau also provides maps showing statistical geography as designated by the Census Bureau:

  • Metropolitan Statistical Areas
  • Urbanized Areas
  • Enumeration Districts (Historical)
  • Block Numbering Areas (Historical)
  • Tracts
  • Block Groups
  • Blocks

Data are provided for Census Bureau statistical geography as well as political geography.

The State Data Center prints large format maps (24”x 36”) from the 2000, 2010, and 2020 Censuses. The cost is $10 per map. You can find 2020 Census Tract Reference Maps and 2020 Census Block Maps on the Census Bureau website.

On request, we print the following Census maps for all states and territories:

  • Census Blocks
  • Census Tracts
  • Cities and Towns
  • Townships
  • Counties

Also available are U.S. Congressional District maps (Legislative District Boundaries) for the 118th Congress (January 2023-2025) for all states and territories. The 2021 maps of U.S. Congressional districts for Indiana is available here under Legislative Districts. Maps of the Indiana House and Senate Legislative Districts created after the 2020 Census are located here:

See also, the result of what was once the Indiana GIS Initiative, providing interactive maps from all over Indiana.

The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting the 2023 Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) to update information about Indiana’s legal boundaries, names, governmental status, and types of municipalities.

For more information, see

SDC KS 2-27-2024