The Ku Klux Klan rose to prominence in Indiana politics and society after World War I. It was made up of native-born, white Protestants of many income and social levels. In the changing world of the 1920s, the group was against Catholics, Jews, African-Americans, immorality, and drinking. Nationally, Indiana was said to have the most powerful Ku Klux Klan. Though it counted a high number of members statewide, its importance peaked in the 1924 election of Edward Jackson for governor. A short time later, the scandal that surrounded D.C. Stephenson destroyed the image of the Ku Klux Klan as upholders of law and order. By 1926 the Ku Klux Klan was crippled and discredited. Later efforts to revive the Ku Klux Klan in the 1960s and 1970s were attempted, but its message was not received in large numbers, as it had been forty years previously.
What follows is a nearly complete listing of the holdings on this subject available in Indiana State Library.
(This guide was originally compiled by Jamie Bargeron, Indiana Division, Intern, November 2000; last updated by ISL staff 2025)
Books & Printed Materials
- Bentley, Max. The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. (Ind. Pamphlet collection, ISLO 363, no. 8)
- Blake, Aldrich. The Ku Klux Kraze (a lecture). (Ind. Pamphlet collection, ISLO 363 no. 15)
- Blee, Kathleen M. Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1991. (ISLI 322.4 B646w)
- Booth, Edgar Allen. Mad Mullah of America. 1927 (ISLI 363 B725m) Available online
- Butler, Robert A. So They Framed Stephenson. 1940 (ISLV 923 S836b)
- Cates, Frank M. The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana Politics: 1920-1925. PhD Thesis, Indiana University, 1970. (ISLI 363 C359k, print and microfilm)
- Chalmers, David M. Hooded Americanism: The First Century of the Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1965. 1965 (ISLI 363 C438h)
- Coburn, John. Ku Klux Outrages. Speech given 5-30-1872. (Ind. Pamphlet collection, ISLO 815 C658 no. 9) Available from ISL Digital Collections
- Coughlan, Robert. Konklave in Kokomo. (ISLI 917.3 L529a)
- Davis, John Augustus. The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana, 1920-1930 Microform: An Historical Study. 1966. (ISLI microfilm 363 D261k)
- [Derounian, Arthur.] The Plotters, by John Ray Carlson [pseud.] (ISLI 351.74 D437p)
- Fangmeier, Robert A. Murder in Irvington: A Reporter's Journal. Indianapolis: Guild Press of Indiana, 1993. (ISLI 813 F211m)
- Frost, Stanley. The Challenge of the Klan. (ISLI 363 F939c) Available online
- Greenapple, H. R., editor. D.C. Stephenson, Irvington 0492: The Demise of the Grand Dragon of the Indiana Ku Klux Klan. Plainfield, Ind.: SGS Publications, c1989. (ISLI 363 D13)
- Horowitz, David A. (editor). Inside the Klavern: The Secret History of a Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s. (ISLM HS2330.K63 I57)
- Jackson, Kenneth T. The Ku Klux Klan in the City, 1915-1930. (ISLI 363 J13k)
- Jessup, Michael. The Decline of the 1920s Ku Klux Klan: A Sociological Analysis. (ISLI microfilm 363 J58d)
- Indiana Citizens' Post, "the only official paper in Indiana against the Klan." The available issues are: v. 1, no. 9 (Mar. 22, 1924)-v. 1, no. 10 (Mar. 29, 1924); v. 1, no. 13 (Apr. 19, 1924)-v. 1, no. 15 (May 3, 1924). ISLI 363 I385C [OVERSIZED], It includes news articles about various Klan groups around Indiana. Available from ISL Digital Collections
- Kirkpatrick, Lex. Fundamentals of Constitutional Government, including discussion of the 18th Amendment and Ku Klux Klan. (Ind. Pamphlet collection, ISLO 342 no. 2) Available from ISL Digital Collections
- Likins, William M. The Trail of the Serpent. (ISLI V* 363 L727t)
- Lutholtz, M. William. Grand Dragon: D.C. Stephenson and the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 1991. (ISLI 322.4 L973g)
- Mecklin, John Moffatt. The Ku Klux Klan: A Study of the American Mind. (ISLI 363 M487k, ISLM 363 M487k) Available online
- Moore, Leonard J. Citizen Klansmen: The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana, 1921-1928. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1991. (ISLI 322.4 M822c)
- Moore, Leonard Joseph. White Protestant Nationalism in the 1920's Microform: the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. 1985. (ISLI microfilm 363 M821w, 1986)
- Nevel, Jill Suzanne. Fiery Crosses and Tempers: The Ku Klux Klan in South Bend, Indiana, 1923-1926 (ISLI 363 N512f)
- Newton, Michael. The Ku Klux Klan: An Encyclopedia. (ISLI 322.4 N565k)
- Pratt, Daniel Darwin. Extension of Ku Klux Act. [speech] ISLO 815 P914, no. 5 Available from ISL Digital Collections
- Pratt, Daniel Darwin. Ku Klux Outrages. [speech] ISLO 363, no. 7 Available from ISL Digital Collections
- Research Associates. Ku Klux Klan tokens, catalog, and price list. ISLO 363, no. 18
- Randel, William. The Ku Klux Klan: A Century of Infamy. (ISLI 363 R191k)
- Scharlott, Bradford W. The Hoosier Newsman and the Hooded Order: Indiana Press Reaction to the Ku Klux Klan in the l920s. 1978. (ISLI 363 S311h)
- Tolerance, issues exposing membership rolls, June 6, 1923 (MSS OB076) and July 15, 1923. (ISLI OS 363 T647, photocopy)
- Tucker, Richard K. The Dragon and the Cross: The Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan in Middle America. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1991. (ISLM HS2330.K63 T84 1991)
- Weller, Worth. Under the Hood: Unmasking the Modern Ku Klux Klan. (ISLI 322.42 W448u\)
- WFYI TelePlex, J. Robert Cook, Director. Visible Empire: The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana, 1921-1928. Indianapolis: WFYI TelePlex Home Video, 1998. (ISLI 322.4 V836)
- Women of the Ku Klux Klan. Constitution and Laws of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan. (ISLI 363, no. 17)
Magazine Subject Index
The Magazine Subject Index is a card-file index, which provides access to publications with Indiana-related content. These articles were located using the Magazine Subject Index card file. It is in the process of becoming searchable through the Legacy index platform. The articles are not digitized but are available in the print collection.
- American Heritage. Wilson, William E. "Long, Hot Summer in Indiana,” v. 16 #5, Aug. 1965.
- Business History Review. "Kleagles and Cash: The Ku Klux Klan as a Business Organization, 1915-1930," v. 39 #3, Aug. 1965. [Brief Mention]
- Indiana Social Studies Quarterly, v. 19 #1. spring 1966 p. 29.
- The People-Yes! "Rally and Protest March in Columbus," v. 8 #1, April 1977. p.1-3.
- Parke Place, v. 3 #5, May 1983.
- The Bulletin. "Whitley Co. survives the Ku Klux Klan," v. 24 #5, October 1986, pp.3-17.
- Duneland Notes. "The Ku Klux Klan in the Calumet Region," v. 30 #10, October 1987.
- Notre Dame Magazine. "1924 Notre Dame Collegians Clash with Kluxers," v. 17 #2, summer 1988.
Newspaper Subject Headings
The Indianapolis Newspapers Index, which covers 1898-1991, provides citations to articles found in the major newspapers in Indianapolis. There are many articles on the Ku Klux Klan and those associated with the Klan. These subject headings should be checked to locate articles on the Klan.
- Ku Klux Klan
- Ku Klux Klan, Women of
- Independent Klan of America
- Chaney, William
- Anti-hate Law
- Biography, Stephenson, D.C.
- Unamerican Propaganda Activities
Additional newspaper articles may be found in the newspaper collection and within magazines that are not indexed. Access digitized and searchable Indiana newspapers online at Hoosier State Chronicles and via
The Klan newspaper, the Fiery Cross, is available in Hoosier State Chronicles.
Newspaper Citations
Selected newspaper articles are listed below. Only those articles that seemed to have the most information or were about the major events in Klan history are included. The articles are arranged roughly by subject, and sorted by newspaper. To obtain copies of these articles, you may visit the Indiana Division of the Indiana State Library, or request a copy from the Newspaper Section (be sure to include the full citation, including the newspaper, date, page and column number, and the title of the article).
Ku Klux Klan
Indianapolis Times
5-12-1923 | page 1, column 7 | Indiana Klan wins fight to keep names secret |
6-4-1926 | page 1, column 3 | Mrs. Lillian Sedwick elected President of women's auxiliary |
4-11-1942 | page 1, column 1 | Return noted in Indiana |
5-27-1956 | page 17, column 3 | A History of the Klan in 1920s by Justin Walsh |
Indianapolis News
1-9-1926 | page 2, column 1 | Try to find place to hold public meeting |
5-13-1924 | page 2, column 1 | New officials claim state Klan control |
5-23-1924 | page 1, column 7 | To hold meeting and parade in Indianapolis |
4-1-1926 | page 1, column 5 | Court order bars Klansmen from Marion Co. Voters League |
1-4-1928 | page 1, column 5 | Attorney General Gilliom faces suit to evict Klan from Indiana |
1-5-1928 | page 6, column 2 | [Editorial] Gilliom's suit to cancel the Klan |
2-20-1928 | page 1, column 2 | Klan rosters now list 4,000 members in state. Officials set one time membership at 178,000 |
4-12-1939 | part 1, page 14, column 1 | Fiery Crosses burn again in Northern Indiana |
6-13-1944 | part 1, page 1, column 1 | Return noted in Indiana |
3-13-1965 | page 2, column 4 | Indiana helped downfall of 20th century revival says William P. Randel in new book |
4-3-1965 | page 1, column 3 | Most members in 1920s were good people, says Prof. David Chambers in new book |
8-6-1965 | page 8, column 3 | Former official tells of Klan in Indiana in 1920s |
10-9-1972 | page 25, column 1 | Series of articles reviews Klan activities in state |
Indianapolis Star
3-31-1921 | page 1, column 2 | Leader admits revival in Indianapolis |
6-14-1924 | page 10, column 3 | US Officials enrolled in Klan to be kept secret |
1-9-1926 | page 1, column 5 | Taggart endorses stand against Ku Klux Klan |
7-2-1934 | page 5, column 3 | 4 day convention from all parts of middle west at Kokomo |
2-16-1940 | page 15, column 4 | May be quiet in state, but not dead, says Imperial Wizard |
5-15-1940 | page 1, column 1 | Bossert, once regional head, throws open files in Liberty office; about 250,000 names |
1-27-1942 | page 9, column 1 | Investigated Here |
12-13-1946 | page 1, column 3 | Hate group law proposed |
4-25-1955 | page 10, column 4 | John Duvall reminisces on politics of Klan era |
10-1-1966 | page 10, column 3 | Indiana had most powerful Klan in United States in 1920s |
11-7-1971 | section B, page 4, column 1 | History of D.C. Stephenson's rise to power as Klan leader in Indiana given. |
3-26-1978 | section 7, page 1, column 1 | Giant Klan rally of the late 20s is recalled in article about the Circle Theatre |
Ku Klux Klan, Women of
Indianapolis Times | 8-5-1927 | page 1, column 4 | Meeting of national |
Indianapolis Star | 7-1-1969 | page 10, column 7 | Women of the KKK, inactive for 42 years, pay back fees to keep organization in the state files |
Martinsville Daily Reporter | 7-14-1923 | page 1, column 4 | "Big Crowd at Mooresville" |
Martinsville Daily Reporter | 7-16-1923 | page 1, column 3 | "Great Throng at Meeting at Mooresville" Reports that 50,000 people attended the Ladies of the Klan meeting. |
Oberholtzer, Madge
Indianapolis News
4-14-1925 | page 1, column 1 | Death of |
10-29-1925 | page 1, column 1 | D.C. Stephenson tried for murder of Madge Oberholtzer |
11-16-1925 | page 1, column 1 | D.C. Stephenson convicted. Sentenced to Indiana State Prison for life |
Stephenson, David Curtis
Indianapolis Times
10-5-1926 | page 1, column 7 | Republican editors meet to discuss case |
10-5-1926 | page 2, column 1 | Editorial |
2-5-1950 | section 1, page 3, column 2-3 | 3 part series, review of case |
2-6-1950 | page 11, column 3 | 3-part series, review of case |
2-7-1950 | page 13, columns 4-3 | 3-part series, review of case |
Indianapolis News
4-18-1925 | page 1, column 3 | Indicted for murder |
4-18-1925 | page 1, column 1 | State Marshall investigates fire at home |
10-5-1925 | page 1, column 8 | Indicted in burning his Irvington home |
10-12-1925 | page 1, column 1 | [Murder] Trial begins |
10-29-1925 | page 1, column 1 | Trial |
11-16-1925 | page 1, column 1 | Sentenced to Indiana State Prison for life |
7-13-1927 | page 1, column 1 | 32 documents released for publication to show Stephenson's political aid |
7-14-1927 | page 1, column 1 | Gov. Jackson states check for $2,500 received from Stephenson was in payment for valuable saddle horse |
1-5-1928 | page 1, column 6 | Unfolds intrigue in connection with statewide banking frauds & handling of deposits of state money |
9-29-1950 | page 27 | Photographs: 1939, 1940, 1945, 1946, 1950 |
10-5-1950 | page 1, column 1 | Review of case, 4 parts, by Tubby Toms |
10-6-1950 | page 1, column 1 | Review of case, 4 parts, by Tubby Toms |
10-9-1950 | page 13, column 4 | Review of case, 4 parts, by Tubby Toms |
10-10-1950 | page 1, column 4 | Review of case, 4 parts, by Tubby Toms |
9-18-1978 | page 25, column 4 | Died June 28, 1966 in Jonesboro, Tenn. reports Louisville Courier-Journal |
Indianapolis Star
4-3-1925 | page 1, column 3 | Held on accusation of girl |
10-11-1926 | page 1, column 8 | Stephenson's charges to be investigated by Grand Jury |
7-12-1927 | page 1, column 8 | Facsimile of a $2,500 check alleged to have been given Gov. Jackson by Stephenson in 1923 for campaign expenses made public |
7-24-1927 | part 1, page 1, column 8 | Stephenson's two black boxes found |
9-26-1950 | page 1, column 2 | Vanishes |
11-21-1950 | page 22, column 3 | Letter to editor believes Indiana well off to be rid of Stephenson |
8-15-1953 | page 9, column 6 | Life sentence reviewed by State Corrections Commission and continued for 1 year. Brief history of case |
12-23-1954 | page 1, column 4 | Wins 2nd parole. History of case |
11-17-1961 | page 1, column 7 | Paroled in Missouri after conviction for assault on girl |
6-4-1978 | section 1, page 20, column 1 | Whereabouts unknown |
9-18-1978 | page 1, column 1 | Died June 28, 1966 in Jonesboro, Tennessee reports Louisville Courier-Journal |
Manuscript Collections
The Rare Books and Manuscript Section of the Indiana State Library houses thousands of collections of personal papers, business records, and other primary source materials. The collections noted here have content describing the Klan or records about the Klan. Search the entire Manuscripts collection catalog here:
Digitized collections
- L33 Grace Julian Clarke Papers.
- Re: Klan part in politics in Indiana (6-23-1923)
- To Carrie Chapman Catt, letter regarding report of Klan death blow, 11-17-1926
- L208 United Klans of America. Correspondence, news clippings, newsletters, and miscellaneous papers of the Indiana Ku Klux Klan.
- L246 & B158 D.C. Stephenson Collection
Undigitized collections
To view material in the Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, appointments are not required but are strongly recommended to reduce wait times while material is being paged. To make an appointment, please email or call the reference line: 317-232-3671
- L52 Lucius Embree Papers. Thomas B. Adams & investigation (2-2-1927) Box 12, Folder 9
- L55 Harold C. Feightner Papers. Ku Klux Klan information Box 4, Folder 1
- L604 Frederick Landis Papers. (6-1-192?) Box 2
L56 William Dudley Foulke Papers Box 2 Folder 1 - L96 Gov. Warren T. McCray Papers. Ku Klux Klan mentioned in passing.
- L100 Thomas Riley Marshall Papers. Thomas R. Marshall on Klan and extra-judicial means of law enforcement.
- L113 Oliver P. Morton Papers. Letter written to Oliver Morton by G.C. Kniffin, Paris, Kentucky, regarding the Ku Klux Klan, 4-3-1871.
- L128 Daniel D. Pratt Papers. James T. Bryer's [Logansport] opinion on Klan, 3-14-1871.
- L246 & B158 D.C. Stephenson Collection.
- S97 Cecil Beeson Collection. Speech tells of activities of Klan in Blackford County, 18 pages.
- S472 Roscoe B. Fleming Collection. Articles written about Klan and D.C. Stephenson trial, 1927.
- S521 J.H. Goldman Collection. Notes of sermon, pro-Klan.
- S717 Randall Jehs Collection. Speech and notes for speech by Randall Jehs on "The Burning Cross: The Klan in Indiana politics" given at Indiana History Conference, 4-23-1971.
- S964 William C. Miller Collection. Information on the Indiana Klan and its influence on Hoosier politics.
- S1550 Women of the Ku Klux Klan, Elwood. Gold Seal of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan of Elwood.
- S2543 "Copy of confidential orders and instructions to Klan officers," Parke County, Indiana.
Oral History Transcripts
Many of these oral histories provide the person's recollections and impressions of the Klan in their community or in the state. For more information, contact the Rare Books and Manuscripts division.
Bender, Edward Beecher
Bowlby, Mr. and Mrs. Sam [pp. 29-32]
Chaney, William M. Grand Dragon of Indiana Klan, 1960s-1970s.
Crumley, Tom
Dawson, Ray [pp. 17-18]
Feightner, Harold C.
Glass, Bernice Hall
Goodlander, Sherman
Goodman, Mrs. Sarah Wolfe (p. 8-9)
Holmes, Jack of Wabash, Indiana
Lawton, Frank
Lewis, Byron Ray
McCoy, Carr
McNarney, Alice
Meyers, George
Miller, Rev. James, of Waugh, Indiana
Miller, Ross A.
Myers, Walter D.
Ostheimer, Harry
Schlemmer, Mrs. Marjorie [p. 16]
Showalter, Homer
Smith, Asa J.
Willson, John W.
See also the oral history transcriptions from the Rushville Junior Historical Society.
Photographic Collection Headings
The Rare Books and Manuscript Section provides access to thousands of photographs and other image of Indiana. The following subject headings should be checked in the Picture Index, to learn what photographs are available. For more information, contact the Manuscript Section.
- Ku Klux Klan
- Cheney, William C.
- Evans, Dr. Hiram W.
- Comer, Mrs. R.G.
- Stephenson, D.C
IN MH 3-19-2025