This guide provides citations to books, printed materials, and related holdings on the topic of eugenics which can be found in the Indiana Division of the Indiana State Library. Several books from the general collections of the Indiana State Library are included as well.
Eugenical Sterilization: A Reorientation of the Problem. New York : MacMillan Company, c1936.
Produced by the Committee of the American Neurological Association for the Investigation of Eugenical Sterilization.
613.94 A512e (General Collections)
Landman, J. H., Ph.D., J.D., J.S.D. Human Sterilization: The History of the Sexual Sterilization Movement. New York : MacMillan Company, c1932.
Includes a brief discussion of sterilization in Indiana on p. 54-56
613.94 L258h (General Collections)
Popenoe, Paul, and Roswell Hill Johnson. Applied Eugenics. New York : MacMillan Company, 1918.
575.1 P826a (General Collections)
Popenoe, Paul, and E. S. Gosney. Twenty-eight Years of Sterilization in California. Pasadena, Calif. : Human Betterment Foundation, 1938.
613.94 P826t (General Collections)
Rentoul, Robert Reid. Proposed Sterilization of Certain Mental and Physical Degenerates: An Appeal to Asylum Managers and Others. London : Walter Scott Pub. Co., 1903.
HV4989 .R42 1903 (General Collections)
Rentoul, Robert Reid. Race Culture; or, Race Suicide? (A Plea for the Unborn). London : Walter Scott Pub. Co., 1906.
HV4989 .R42 1906 (General Collections)
Rice, Thurman B., A.M., M.D. Racial Hygiene: A Practical Discussion of Eugenics and Race Culture. New York: MacMillan Company, c1929.
Written by an Indiana University professor and chairman of the Indiana Eugenics Committee. This book is a discussion of heredity and genetics to inform the reader on good and bad human stock, inbreeding, racial poisons, differential birth rates, etc. with the view that once informed the public will support new marriage laws and other means of preserving "best germ plasma."
Ind. 575.1 R497r
Rice, Thurman B. A Collection of Sparks From a Public Health Anvil. Indianapolis, Ind. : Indiana State Board of Health, [1930?].
"Published heretofore in the Monthly Bulletin of the Indiana State Board of Health and herewith presented with the compliments of Wm. F. King, M.D., Indiana State Health Commissioner." This is a collection of columns written by Dr. Rice, many of which relate to eugenics.
Ind. 614 R497c
Saleeby, Caleb Williams. Parenthood and Race Culture: An Outline of Eugenics. New York : Moffat, Yard and Company, 1915, c1909.
575.6 S163p (General Collections)
Whitney, Leon F. The Case For Sterilization. New York : Frederick A. Stokes Company, c1934.
613.94 W619c (General Collections)
Weeks, Genevieve C. Oscar Carleton McCullock, 1843-1891: Preacher and Practitioner of Applied Christianity. Indianapolis, Ind. : Indiana Historical Society, 1976. Author of the "Tribe of Ishmael" study.
Ind. 922 M133w
Family Histories
Around the turn of the twentieth century, scientists studied several extended families for several generations in an attempt to prove that criminality, insanity, and pauperism were genetic traits found in "bad stock." Several of these histories are found in the General Collections. One, McCulloch's "Tribe of Ishmael" was a study of a family in the Indianapolis area. The Clipping file, Indianapolis - Tribe of Ishmael, contains an undated article by Nicole Hahn Rafter, which discusses the significance of these studies.
Danielson, Florence H. and Charles B. Davenport. The Hill Folk: Report on a Rural Community of Hereditary Defectives. Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. : Eugenics Record Office, c1912.
575.7 D186d (General Collections)
Estabrook, Arthur H. The Nam Family: A Study in Cacogenics. Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. : Eugenics Record Office, c1912.
575.7 E79d (General Collections)
Estabrook, Arthur H. The Jukes in 1915. Washington, D. C. : Carnegie Institution, c1916.
595.6 E79j (General Collections)
Estabrook, Arthur H. and Ivan E. McDougle. Mongrel Virginians: The Win Tribe. Baltimore, Md. : Williams & Wilkins Company, c1926.
575.6 E79m (General Collections)
Goddard, Henry Herbert, Ph.D. The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness. New York : MacMillan Company, c1931.
575.6 G578k (General Collections)
Winship, A. E. Jukes-Edwards: A Study in Education and Heredity. Harrisburg, Pa. : R. L. Myers & Co., c1900.
Ip 575.1 or 575.6 W777 (General Collections)
"Eugenic Sterilization in Indiana." Indiana Law Journal, Vol. 38, no. 2 (Winter 1963), pp. 275-289.
(Ind. 347.05 I385)
Goddard, Henry H., Ph.D. "Sterilization and Segregation," Indiana Bulletin of Charities and Correction, 91st quarter (Dec. 1912), p. 424-428.
(Ind. 361 I385b)
McCormick, C. O. "Is the Indiana 1935 Sterilization of the Insane Act Functioning?" Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association, Vol. 42, no. 9 (Sept. 1949), pp. 919-920.
(Ind. 610.5 J86i)
Rafter, Nicole Hahn. "White Trash: Eugenics as Social Ideology." Located in Clipping File, Indianapolis - Tribe of Ishmael. Journal or date not identified.
Bulletins of the Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, 1911-1913. (575.6 E87b General Collections)
- No. 1 - Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness
- No. 2 - The Study of Human Heredity
- No. 3 - Preliminary Report of a Study of Heredity in Insanity in the Light of Mendelian Laws
- No. 4 - A First Study of Inheritance in Epilepsy
- No. 5 - A Study of Heredity of Insanity in the Light of the Mendelian Theory
- No. 6 - The Trait Book
- No. 7 - The Family History Book
- No. 8 - Some Problems in the Study of Heredity in Mental Diseases
- No. 9 - State Laws Limiting Marriage Selection Examined in the Light of Eugenics
- Report No. 1 - The Eugenics Record Office at the End of Twenty-seven Months Work
Indiana Laws
Made sterilization of inmates in state mental health facilities compulsory but was ruled unconstitutional by the Indiana Supreme Court in 1921, because it violated procedural due process under the fourteenth amendment of the federal constitution because it failed to give the patient an opportunity for a hearing.
Ind. Acts 1907, ch. 215
Similar to the 1907 law except that it provides for a thirty day notice giving the inmate and his guardians time to prepare a defense, if desired.
Ind. Acts 1927, ch 241
Further stipulates that whenever an application for the commitment of any "idiot, imbecile or feeble-minded" is made, the physicians are to certify to the court as to whether or not the applicant is cacogenic, or whether his/her debility is due to bad genes.
Ind. Acts 1931, ch. 50
Similar to the 1931 law except that it refers to applications for the commitment of insane persons.
Ind. Acts 1935, ch. 312
Thesis Hall, Stephen Ray. Oscar McCulloch and Indiana Eugenics. [microform]. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms, 1993.
Clipping Files
- Eugenics
- Indianapolis - Tribe of Ishmael
Newspaper Index Subject Headings
- Eugenics
- Rice, Dr. Thurman B.
- Sterilization
- Tribe of Ishmael