OALP's Decisions contains an online index and database of Final Orders issued in contested cases. Each Final Order is indexed by Case Name and also by Subject-as provided in I.C. 4-21.5-3-32.
OALP's Decisions Database indexes Final Orders from challenges to IDEM’s final agency actions on Permitting or Enforcement concerning Air, Land, Water and Excess Liability Trust Fund (ELTF). You may choose to search all Final Orders or limit your search to Final Orders concerning:
Challenges to IDEM’s final agency actions on Permitting or Enforcement concerning:
- Air
- Land
- Water
Your results may be used to assist you in presenting OALP's prior Final Orders for consideration in pending cases—as provided in I.C. 4-21.5-3-27(c).
The decisions posted on the website are available to be viewed or downloaded in pdf — Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader.