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Winter natural gas and electric bills can be very expensive, as Hoosiers try to keep their homes and businesses warm. By following several simple tips, consumers can reduce their energy use and better manage their heating bills.
In addition to following these tips, a home energy assessment can help significantly. Indiana utilities including AES Indiana, CenterPoint Energy, Duke Energy, I&M, and NIPSCO offer energy efficiency programs.
Online audits can also help, including the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Energy Calculator.
- Start with your thermostat.
- Maintain your furnace and heating system properly.
- Draperies and ceiling fans can help your heating system.
- Proper insulation is critical to maintaining an energy efficient home.
- The water heater is usually one of the least energy-efficient appliances in the home or business.
- Shop around for energy-efficient appliances.
- Use common sense.
- Lighting, unplugging and landscaping make a difference.
- Additional information