The Professional Licensing Agency maintains a database on individuals and businesses that have been issued a license, certificate, registration or permit. Through the portal, you can purchase customized information on multiple licensees in a list format. You may search the entire database or use the search parameters provided to narrow search results. Fields in the data download include name, license number, address, issue date, expiration date, and license status for each license. All data provided is public. Confidential information, such as social security numbers and exam results, are not provided.
- Pursuant to Indiana Code 25-1-5-1, personal information including home telephone and electronic mail address are confidential for purposes of IC 5-14-3-4 and may not be disclosed to the public.
If you would like to verify an individual license record, please use the Free Search and Verify online service.
Before searching you must agree to the user conditions. After you conduct a search, the number of records retrieved and the download cost will be displayed. Any downloaded records will be imported into a CSV file. If you do not have Excel, you will be prompted to save the file to disk. data download fees:
- $150 for the first record (information on one (1) practitioner constitutes a record)
- $10 for each additional 1,000 records
Fees are payable by Visa or MasterCard or by an Subscription.
*This database is updated in real time.