Athletic Trainers Licensing Information
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- Current: Athletic Trainers Licensing Information
Apply Online with MyLicenseOne
You will either need to register for or login to your Access Indiana account. Please read the below application instructions carefully. If you have held another IN license or have previously submitted an application, you must first link that record before you start a new application in MyLicense One. Just select "Don't see your License? Click here to Search for it." from the MyLicense One Dashboard.
Application Instructions
- Athletic Trainer by Examination
- Completed Application: Submit online.
- Application Fee: $55.00 application fee to be paid by credit or debit card. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application.
- Verification of Examination: Verification of BOC examination passed.
- Transcripts: Must have at least an Athletic Trainer’s bachelor degree. Please upload at the time of application.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
- Athletic Trainer Temporary Permit
Please note when applying for the Athletic Trainer’s temporary permit it is only applicable before taking the BOC examination. You will also have to apply for full licensure if wanting to apply for the temporary permit.
- Completed Application: Submit online.
- Application Fee: $25.00 application fee to be paid by credit or debit card. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application.
- Transcripts: Must have at least an Athletic Trainer’s bachelor degree. Please upload at the time of application.
- Verification of Supervision Form
- Verification of Employment Form
A temporary permit expires on the earliest of:
- 1.) the date the person holding the permit is issued a license;
- 2.) the date the board disapproves the person's license application; or
- 3.) ninety (90) days after the date of issuance.
- Information Regarding Reciprocity
Licensure by Reciprocity: The Board shall issue a license to an applicant if the applicant satisfies the following conditions:
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
- that state's or jurisdiction's requirements for a license are substantially equivalent to or exceed the requirements for a license of the Board; or
- when the person was licensed or certified by another state:
- there were minimum education requirements in the other state or jurisdiction;
- if there were applicable work experience and clinical supervision requirements in effect, the person met those requirements to be licensed in that state; and
- if required by the other state or jurisdiction, the person previously passed an examination required for the license or certification.
- Has not committed any act in any state or jurisdiction that would have constituted grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license, certificate, registration, or permit to practice that occupation in Indiana at the time the act was committed.
- Does not have a complaint or an investigation pending before the regulating agency in another state or jurisdiction that relates to unprofessional conduct.
- Is in good standing and has not been disciplined by the agency that has authority to issue the license or certification.
- If a law regulating the applicant's occupation requires the board to administer an examination on the relevant laws of Indiana, the Board may require the applicant to take and pass an examination specific to the laws of Indiana.
- Pays any fees required by the Board for which the applicant is seeking licensure.
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
Renewal Instructions
Athletic Trainer licenses expire on December 31 of odd-numbered years.
- License Renewal Information
Continuing Education
Continuing Education is required to renew your license. Information and requirements are available at the Athletic Trainer Resources page.Renewal Information
Renewal notices are sent approximately ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date. Licensees with a valid email address on file will be emailed the renewal information. Licensees that do not have a valid email address on file will be mailed license renewal information. This notice is mailed to the licensee's address of record with the Board.Reinstatement
If your license has been expired for three or more years, you must reinstate your license to practice. Please submit your reinstatement online with the additional documentation:- Reinstate Online!
- Documentation to Upload:
- Copy of the current continuing education certificates and a license verification of 1 current license.
Fee Schedule
- Athletic Trainer Applications/Renewals
Application/Renewal Fee Penalty Total Application $55 NA $55 Temporary Permit $25 NA $25 Renewal - Unexpired - prior to December 31 of odd numbered years $50 NA $50 Renewal - Expired < 3 Years - after December 31 of odd numbered years but before 3 years $50 $50 $100 Renewal - Expired > 3 Years $105 NA $105