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Behavioral Health and Human Services


  • The Counseling Compact allows eligible licensed counselors an alternative method for providing services in other member states. If you are interested in learning more about the Counseling Compact, including information about meetings, rulemaking, and any rules open for public comment, please use the following link:

As of July 1, 2024

  • All applicants for the Behavioral Health Health and Human Services who are in their last semester of their program may apply to test early for their national exam. Applicants are required to submit their application for licensure to our office, and provide a letter of good standing. Applicants once approved, will be given a one year approval to test. This exam approval does not include a temporary permit.
  • Behavioral Health Health and Human Services applicants  may now complete up to 100% of their supervision in a virtual setting. Any virtual supervision is required to meet the definition of “virtual supervision.” Virtual supervision must be completed under a qualified supervisor through an electronic platform that provides for synchronous visual and audio interaction in real time, and which is compliant with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Virtual supervision does not include telephone calls, electronic mail, or text messages.


Cindy Vaught, Board Director
Dana Brooks, Assistant Director
Staff E-mail:


All litigation filings should be submitted through the PLA’s Litigation Division Web Form. If your “filing type” is not provided on the webform or you have a litigation-related inquiry, please contact the PLA at


All probation and other disciplinary documents resulting from a Board, Committee, or Commission Order should be submitted to

Rulemaking Information


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