Respiratory Care Licensing Information
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You will either need to register for or login to your Access Indiana account. Please read the below application instructions carefully. If you are applying for any license type that requires a prerequisite, held another license, or have previously submitted an application (Example: Applying for a Pharmacist license: Did you previously hold a Pharmacy Intern or Pharmacy Technician license?) you must first link that record before you start a new application in MyLicense One. Just select "Don't see your License? Click here to Search for it." from the MyLicense One Dashboard.
Application Instructions
- Respiratory Care Student Permit
Student Permits are issued to individuals who are currently enrolled in a respiratory care program and are a student in good standing. Student permit holders may only perform respiratory care procedures that have been part of a course the individual has successfully completed in the respiratory care program and for which the successful completion has been documented. The procedures permitted may be performed only on adult patients who are not critical care patients and under the proximate supervision of a practitioner.
Application Instructions
- Completed Application: Applications may be submitted online at If you have ever held a license as a Respiratory Care Practitioner Student permit and wish to practice at another location, you will need to complete a new completed application form and fee for each additional location you wish to practice.
- Application fee of $25.00: Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. If applying by paper/mail for additional locations, make checks or money orders payable to Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account.
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account.
- Verification of Licensure: Verification of any registration/license/certification to practice any health related occupation in another state or territory. Verifications must be submitted directly from the state of issuance.
- Part II - Hospital or Facility of Employment: This section of the application shall be completed by the licensed respiratory care practitioner designee at the hospital or facility where the student will be employed. Please make sure that the designee has completed all sections and read all information as to the supervisor’s responsibilities to the student permit holder. After the designee has completed the application and read all of the information, the designee must sign and date the Affirmation at the end of the form. Part II of the Application may be sent to the Committee by upload at the time of application or log back into your account.
- Part III - School or Program of Respiratory Care Procedures Completed by the Student Permit Holder: This section of the application shall be completed by the respiratory school or program to document which respiratory care procedures have been completed. Please have the Program Director and Director of Clinical Education complete this part of the application. The student will only be allowed to perform such procedures as checked-off on this form. The Program Director and Director of Clinical Education must sign and date the Affirmation at the end of the form. Part III of the Application may by upload at the time of application or log back into your account.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted subsequent to an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
Additional Information
- Once the permit is issued, a notification via email will be sent to the student, hospital or facility, and the school or program, which lists the procedures that the Committee has approved for the student to perform.
- Expiration of Your Student Permit: A student permit expires on the earliest of the following:
- (1)The date the permit holder is issued a license under this article.
(2)The date the committee disapproves the permit holder’s application for a license under this article
(3)The date the permit holder ceases to be a student in good standing in a respiratory care program approved by the committee. The graduation of a student permit holder from a respiratory care program approved by the committee does not cause the student permit to expire under this subdivision.
(4)Sixty (60) days after the date that the permit holder graduates from a respiratory care program approved by the committee.
(5)The date that the permit holder is notified that the permit holder has failed the licensure examination.
(6)Two (2) years after the date of issuance.
- (1)The date the permit holder is issued a license under this article.
- Upon Graduation from the Respiratory Care Program – Apply For Licensure: Your student permit will expire sixty (60) days after graduation from your respiratory care program. To obtain an application for respiratory care licensure, please go to the Committee’s website to download the application and instructions for licensure.
- May Only Perform Procedures That Have Been Successfully Completed: An individual who holds a student permit may only perform respiratory care procedures that have been part of a course:
- (1)the individual has successfully completed in the respiratory care program designated; and
(2)for which the successful completion has been documented and that is available upon request to the committee. - The procedures permitted may be performed only:
(1)on adult patients who are not critical care patients; and
(2)under the proximate supervision of a practitioner.
- (1)the individual has successfully completed in the respiratory care program designated; and
- Definition of Proximate Supervision: “Proximate supervision” means a situation in which an individual is:
- (1)responsible for directing the actions of another individual; and
(2)in the facility and is physically close enough to be readily available if needed by the supervised individual.
- (1)responsible for directing the actions of another individual; and
- Supervision of a Student Permit Holder: A holder of a student permit shall meet in person at least one (1) time each working day with the permit holder’s supervising practitioner or a designated respiratory care practitioner to review the permit holder’s clinical activities. The supervising practitioner or a designated respiratory care practitioner shall review and countersign the entries that the permit holder makes in a patient’s medical record not more than seven (7) calendar days after the permit holder makes the entries.
- Number of Student Permit Holders Under Supervising Practitioner: A supervising practitioner may not supervise at one (1) time more than three (3) holders of student permits issued under this section.
Respiratory Care Procedures and Adding Procedures After Issuance of The Student Permit: The respiratory care procedures that are listed on page 5 of your application are the only procedures that have been approved by the Committee in which a student permit holder may perform. You may not modify the list.
If additional procedures have been completed after the issuance of your original student permit, please download the student permit application from our website and have the school or program complete Part III of the application. Also enclose a statement along with the student permit number that the following procedures are being added. This must come directly from the school or program and not the applicant.
Changing Supervisors or Locations: If there is a change with a supervisor or location for the student permit, your place of employment must complete Part II of the application from our website and submit it to us with the student permit number for processing.
Additional Locations: If a student intends to practice at multiple locations, each location will need to have a separate RCP student permit. The student must complete the application process for each location.
Change of Address/Email: If you have a change of address or email, you may log into your account to make the changes.
- Respiratory Care Licensure Application & Instructions
- Completed Application: Applications may be submitted online at
- Application fee of $50.00: Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account.
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account.
- Official Transcript: Applicants must submit a copy of an official transcript of grades from which the applicant obtained the degree which shows that all requirements for graduation have been met by the applicant and certifying the date the degree was conferred. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account.
- National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) Credential Report: Applicants must submit a NBRC credential report, sent directly to the Committee from the NBRC. A copy of your NBRC Certificate or score report is not acceptable for licensure. For more information regarding the examination or a credential report please contact the:
- National Board of Respiratory Care, Inc.
18000 W. 105th Street
Olathe, KS 66061-7543
Toll Free:(888) 341-4811
Telephone:(913) 895-4900
FAX: (913) 895-4650
Web Site:
- National Board of Respiratory Care, Inc.
- Verification of Licensure: Verification of any registration/license/certification to practice any health-related profession or occupation in another state or territory. Verifications must be submitted directly from the state of issuance.
- Endorsement Applicants Coming from a State that Does Not Require Licensure or Certification: Endorsement applicants that are coming from a state that does not require licensure, registration, or certification to practice respiratory care and are endorsing based upon their NBRC credentials, must submit a statement stating that the State from which you are endorsing does not require licensure, registration or certification. This statement must be signed and dated by the applicant.
- Credential Applicants - Re-Examination After Five (5) Years: If five (5) years have elapsed since the successful completion of the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) examination, the applicant must retake and successfully complete a current entry level NBRC examination within six (6) months of the date of application for licensure.
Waiver of Educational Requirements: Applicants who have not completed a program of respiratory therapy may be considered for licensure by submitting a request along with a detailed list of the places that the applicant has engaged in the practice of respiratory therapy under the supervision of a physician for at least ten (10) of the previous fifteen (15) years preceding the date of application. Please list the dates of practice, location, responsibilities and that you were under the supervision of a physician.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
Respiratory Care Licensure Temporary Permit Application Instructions
For applicants applying by Examination or Endorsement. Applicants are not eligible for a temporary permit when applying by credentials.
- Temporary Permit Request: Online applicants can submit the application for the RCP temporary permit after submitting their application for RCP licensure.
- Application fee of $25.00: Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. Please note that this fee is in addition to the $50.00 RCP application fee for a total of $75.00. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Applying by Examination - Proof of Graduation: The applicant is required to submit one of the following documents as proof of graduation:
- Original Letter or Certificate of Completion: An original letter or certificate of completion verifying the date that the applicant has completed and will receive his/her diploma will be accepted under the signature and seal of the dean of the school or program.
- Official Transcript: Applicants must submit an official transcript of grades from which the applicant obtained the degree which shows that all requirements for graduation have been met by the applicant and certifying the date the degree was conferred. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account.
If an applicant submits a letter or certificate of completion in order to issue a temporary permit, the applicant is required to submit an official transcript of grades sent directly to the Committee from their school or program which shows that all requirements for graduation have been met and certifying the date the degree was conferred, prior to the issuance of their respiratory care license.
- Applying by Endorsement – Proof of Active Licensure
- Proof of Current Licensure or Certification: Applicants must submit a “Verification of State Licensure” form, submitted to the Committee directly from the state, that you hold a current license, registration, or certification.
OR - State Endorsing Does Not License or Certify: Applicants that are coming from a state that does not require licensure, registration or certification to practice respiratory care and are endorsing based upon their NBRC credentials, please submit a statement stating that the State from which you are endorsing does not require licensure, registration or certification. This statement must be signed and dated by the applicant.
AND - NBRC Credential Report: Applicants, who are coming from a state that does not require licensure, registration or certification for respiratory care practitioners, must submit a NBRC credential report, sent directly to the Committee from the NBRC. A copy of your NBRC Certificate or score report is not acceptable. For more information regarding a credential report please contact the:
National Board of Respiratory Care, Inc.
18000 W. 105th Street
Olathe, KS 66061-7543
Toll Free:(888) 341-4811
Telephone:(913) 895-4900
FAX: (913) 895-4650
- Proof of Current Licensure or Certification: Applicants must submit a “Verification of State Licensure” form, submitted to the Committee directly from the state, that you hold a current license, registration, or certification.
Issuance of Temporary Permit:
A temporary permit issued to an Examination applicant will only be valid for a period of six (6) months from the date of graduation. (Example: If you graduate on May 31, 2020 but do not apply for a temporary until June 15, 2020 you will only be granted a temporary permit from June 15, 2020 until November 30, 2020.) Temporary permits will automatically expire, without further action by the Committee, on the date of expiration.A temporary permit issued to an Endorsement applicant will be valid for a period of six (6) months from the date of issuance.
Renewal of Temporary Permit: If the applicant fails to take the examination within the six (6) month period and presents an explanation to the Committee in writing, which shows good cause for not taking the examination, the Committee may allow the applicant to renew their temporary permit. The Committee will review all requests on a case-by-case basis. The fee for renewal of a temporary permit is $10.00.
Renewal Instructions
- Renewal Information
Renew Online!
Respiratory Care Practitioner's Licenses expire on December 31 of even-numbered years. If your Respiratory Care Practitioner license has expired for less than three(3) years, you can renew it online.Renewal Information
Renewal notices are sent approximately ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date. Licensees with a valid email address on file will be emailed the renewal information. Licensees that do not have a valid email address on file will be mailed license renewal information. This notice is mailed to the licensee's address of record with the Committee.Failure to Renew
Failure to renew a license on or before the expiration date automatically renders the license invalid without any action by the Committee.Expired Licenses - Penalty Fees
A licensee may renew a respiratory care license up to three (3) years after the expiration date by paying a late fee of $50.00 in addition to the renewal fee of $50.00, for a total fee of $100.00 - Reinstatement of Expired License
.Expired Licenses - After Three (3) Years
If your respiratory care license has been expired for three (3) years or more, you must reinstate your license to practice. Please submit your reinstatement online with the additional documentation:- Reinstate Online!
- Payment of the current renewal fee ($100) and current initial application fee ($100). Total reinstatement fee: $200.
- Documentation to Upload:
- Copies of certificate of completion for continuing education fulfilling requirements since your license has expired. Must include 15 hours for the renewal missed and then 7.5 hours for every year the license has been expired. Please complete the CE Tracking Sheet and submit with the certificates of completion.
CE Tracking Sheet - Letter of work history or resume detailing any work since your license has expired.
- Verification of any other state license held.
- Any other remediation and/or training as deemed by the board after a personal appearance.
- The Committee may require you to retake and pass the current entry level National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) examination with proof of the current examination results submitted to the Committee. However, you may also request a copy of your most recent credentialing from NBRC. For either of these options, please contact the NBRC at:
- National Board of Respiratory Care, Inc.
10801 Mastin Street, Suite 300
Overland Park, KS 66210-1614
Telephone: (913) 895-4900
Fax: (913) 712-9283
Web Site:
- National Board of Respiratory Care, Inc.
- The Committee may require you to retake and pass the current entry level National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) examination with proof of the current examination results submitted to the Committee. However, you may also request a copy of your most recent credentialing from NBRC. For either of these options, please contact the NBRC at:
- Copies of certificate of completion for continuing education fulfilling requirements since your license has expired. Must include 15 hours for the renewal missed and then 7.5 hours for every year the license has been expired. Please complete the CE Tracking Sheet and submit with the certificates of completion.
Continuing Education Requirements
Below is a chart of how many continuing education hours you may be required to complete in order to renew your license based upon the expiration date:LICENSE EXPIRED CONTINUING EDUCATION HOURS REQUIRED December 31, 1992 210* December 31, 1994 210 December 31, 1996 195 December 31, 1998 180 December 31, 2000 165 December 31, 2002 150 December 31, 2004 135 December 31, 2006 120 December 31, 2008 105 December 31, 2010 90 December 31, 2012 75 December 31, 2014 60 December 31, 2016 45 December 31, 2018 30 *Respiratory care practitioners were not required to complete continuing education for the renewal of their license in 1992.
- Continuing Education Requirements
Continuing Education Requirements
Practitioners are required to have completed fifteen (15) hours of continuing education acquired after January 1, 2023. Licenses will expire on December 31, 2024.
If you were issued your license before January 1, 2021, you are required to have a total of fifteen (15) hours of continuing education earned during the current biennium in order to renew your license. Continuing education is not required for the year in which the initial license was issued. Therefore, a person who was issued an original respiratory care practitioner's license between the date of January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 is only required to submit 7.5 hours of continuing education. A person who was issued an original license after January 1, 2024 is not required to submit continuing education for this renewal period.
A licensee is not required to submit copies of their continuing education certificates at the time of renewal. The licensee must verify at the time of renewal all continuing education requirements have been met. After the renewal, a percentage of practitioners will be chosen in a random audit to present copies of their continuing education certificates. If the licensee fails to submit the requested information or if the information is insufficient to establish that you have complied with the continuing education requirements, the Committee will proceed with the terms of IC 25-1-4-5 and IC 25-1-4-6.
Continuing education programs for respiratory care practitioners sponsored by the following organizations are approved as follows:(1) American Association of Respiratory Care or one (1) of its chartered affiliates.
(2) American Medical Association – Accreditation Counsel for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).
(3) Indiana State Medical Association.
(4) American Hospital Association.
(5) Indiana Hospital Association.
(6) American Nurses Association or one (1) of its chartered affiliates.
(7) Indiana State Nurses Association.
(8) American College of Chest Physicians.
(9) American Academy of Pediatrics.
(10) American Heart Association seminar programs, excluding any competency-based programs, such as Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Basic Life Support (BLS), or Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP).
(11) Society of Critical Care Medicine.
(12) American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
(13) American Association of Critical Care Nurses.
(14) American Society of Anesthesiologists.
(15) American Polysomnographers Technologist.
(16) American Osteopathic Association.
(17) National Society for Cardiopulmonary Technologists.
(18) American Thoracic Society.
(19) American Lung AssociationThe following programs shall be approved by the committee for the following number of hours:AUTOMATIC APPROVAL OF RESPIRATORY CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS
Under the statutory provision as listed below, if a program is designed to directly enhance the practitioner's knowledge and skill in providing services relevant to the practitioner's profession or occupation and falls under an "Approved Organization" it is no longer necessary to submit an application for continuing education approval by the Indiana Respiratory Care Committee.Please Note: American Red Cross is NOT an accredited organization for the Joint Commission but the educational opportunity is accredited by the Joint Commission. The Red Cross offers two levels of classes. One is for CPR, which is NOT eligible for Continuing Education. The courses that would be eligible for continuing education are as follows:
BLS for health care providers. It is an in-person class. It cannot be a blended class for the public
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)Under IC 25-1-4-0.2:
- Sec. 0.2. As used in this chapter, "approved organization" refers to the following:
- United States Department of Education.
- Council on Post-Secondary Education.
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals.
- Joint Commission on Healthcare Organizations.
- Federal, state, and local government agencies.
- A college or other teaching institution accredited by the United States Department of Education or the Council on Post-Secondary Education.
- A national organization of practitioners whose members practicing in Indiana are subject to regulation by a board or agency regulating a profession or occupation under this title or IC 15.
- A national, state, district, or local organization that operates as an affiliated entity under the approval of any organization listed in subdivisions (1) and (7).
- An internship or a residency program conducted in a hospital that has been approved by an organization listed in subdivisions (1) through (7).
- Any other organization or individual approved by the Board.
Also, under IC 25-1-4-0.5:
- Sec. 0.5. As used in this chapter, "continuing education means an orderly process of instruction that is approved by an approved organization or the board that is designed to directly enhance the practitioner's knowledge and skill in providing services relevant to the practitioner's profession or occupation.
Correspondence courses are acceptable for continuing education credit. No more than 7.5 hours of continuing education can be obtained through correspondence courses during the biennium.REQUIREMENTS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION
- Continuing education hours must be obtained within the biennial renewal period and may not be carried over from one (1) certification period to another.
- The respiratory care practitioner shall maintain his or her continuing education records of a given biennium for a period of three (3) years following the end of the biennium.
- It is the responsibility of the respiratory care practitioner to verify that courses attended have been approved.
- The committee shall accept continuing education courses in the following areas toward fulfillment of the requirements:
- Management of the practice of respiratory care.
- Courses concerning the practice of respiratory care that do the following:
- Enable individuals to teach continuing education courses for respiratory care practitioner.
- Enable respiratory care practitioner to teach topics related to patient/family education.
- The practice of respiratory care.
If the program does not fall under IC 25-1-4-0.2 as an Approved Organization, the following criteria shall be used for approval of continuing education programs for respiratory care practitioners:(1) The continuing education program shall have a statement of objectives, which the program should achieve for its participants relating to and enhancing the study of respiratory care.
(2) The sponsor of continuing education programs shall provide adequate administration, including a responsible person to coordinate and administer the program, and shall provide for the maintenance of proper records.
(3) Sponsors of continuing education programs shall provide adequate funding for the educational programs undertaken.
(4) The curriculum of a continuing education program shall be thoughtfully planned and designed to explore in considerable depth one (1) subject or a closely related group of subjects related to the practice of respiratory care.
(5) The continuing education program shall have qualified faculty members who have demonstrated competence in the subject areas.
(6) The continuing education program shall be held in adequate facilities that allow for an effective program.
(7) Continuing education programs shall employ a variety of educational methods and teaching aids that enhance the learning opportunities.
(8) Appropriate methods of evaluation shall be devised and used to measure the continuing education program's effectiveness.
(9) The sponsor of the continuing education program shall provide to the participants a meaningful record of attendance stating the continuing education hours involved.Programs for continuing education may be approved by the Committee provided the sponsoring organization has submitted the proper form at least thirty (30) days prior to presentation of the program.
The sponsor of the program is responsible for monitoring attendance in such a manner that verification of attendance throughout the entire program can be reliably assured.
If the program does not fall under IC 25-1-4-0.2 as an Approved Organization, the Sponsoring Organization or Attendee are required to submit an application for continuing education approval.
A licensee is not required to submit copies of their continuing education certificates at the time of renewal. The licensee must verify at the time of renewal all continuing education requirements have been met. After the renewal, a percentage of practitioners will be chosen in a random audit to present copies of their continuing education certificates. If the licensee fails to submit the requested information or if the information is insufficient to establish that you have complied with the continuing education requirements, the Committee will proceed with the terms of IC 25-1-4-5 and IC 25-1-4-6 as stated below:IC 25-1-4-5
- Notwithstanding any other law, if the board determines that a practitioner has not complied with this chapter at the time that the practitioner applies for license renewal or after an audit conducted under section 3 of this chapter, the board shall do the following:
- Send the practitioner notice of noncompliance by certified mail.
- As a condition of license renewal, require the practitioner to comply with subsection (b).
- Issue a conditional license to the practitioner that is effective until the practitioner complies with subsection (b).
- Upon receipt of a notice of noncompliance under subsection (a), a practitioner shall do either of the following:
- If the practitioner believes that the practitioner has complied with this chapter, within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the notice, send written notice to the board requesting a review so that the practitioner may submit proof of compliance.
- If the practitioner does not disagree with the board's determination of noncompliance, do the following:
- Except as provided in subsection (d), pay to the board a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the notice.
- Acquire, within six (6) months after receiving the notice, the number of credit hours needed to achieve full compliance.
- Comply with all other provisions of this chapter.
- If a practitioner fails to comply with subsection (b), the board shall immediately suspend the license of the practitioner and send notice of the suspension to the practitioner by certified mail.
- If the board determines that a practitioner has knowingly or intentionally made a false or misleading statement to the board concerning compliance with the continuing education requirements, in addition to the requirements under this section the board may impose a civil penalty of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) under subsection (b)(2)(A).
- The board shall:
- reinstate a practitioner suspended under subsection (c); or
- renew the practitioner's license in place of the conditional license issued under subsection (a)(3);
if the practitioner supplies proof of compliance with this chapter under subsection (b)(1).
IC 25-1-4-6
- Notwithstanding any other law, if at the time a practitioner applies for license renewal or after an audit conducted under section 3 of this chapter, the board determines that the practitioner has failed to comply with this chapter and the practitioner has previously received a notice of noncompliance under section 5(a) of this chapter during the preceding license period, the board shall do the following:
- (1) Provide the practitioner notice of noncompliance by certified mail.
- (2) Deny the practitioner's application for license renewal.
- (b) The board shall reinstate a license not renewed under subsection (a) upon occurrence of the following:
- Payment by a practitioner to the board of a civil penalty determined by the board, but not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
- Acquisition by the practitioner of the number of credit hours required to be obtained by the practitioner during the relevant license period.
- The practitioner otherwise complies with this chapter.
- Sec. 0.2. As used in this chapter, "approved organization" refers to the following:
For Continuing Education Providers
- Application for Approval of Continuing Education Programs
- Application - Apply online at
- Required Documentation: Please be prepared to upload the following with your application
- Course information (curriculum, brochure, etc.)
- Course evaluation form
Under the statutory provision as listed below, if a program is designed to directly enhance the respiratory care practitioner’s knowledge and skill in providing services relevant to the respiratory care practitioner’s profession or occupation and falls under Ind. Code 25 application for approval by the Indiana Respiratory Care Committee.Sec. 0.2. As used in this chapter, "approved
- United States Department of Education.
- Council on Post-Secondary Education.
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals.
- Joint Commission on Healthcare Organizations.
- Federal, state, and local government agencies.
- A college or other teaching institution accredited by the United States Department of Education or the Council on Post-Secondary Education.
- A national organization of practitioners whose members practicing in Indiana are subject to regulation by a board or agency regulating a profession or occupation under this title.
- A national, state, district, or local organization that operates as an affiliated entity under the approval of an organization listed in subdivisions (1) throu
- An internship or a residency program conducted in a hospital that has been approved by an organization listed in subdivisions (1) through (7).
- Any other organization or individual approved by the board.
Also, under Ind. Code 25-1-4-0.5: Sec. 0.5. As used in this chapter, "continuing education" means an orderly process of instruction: (1) that is approved by: (A) an approved organization or the board for a profession or occupation other than a real estate appraiser; or (B) for a real estate appraiser: (i) the Appraiser Qualifications Board, under the regulatory oversight of the Appraisal Subcommittee established under Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989; or (ii) the real estate appraiser licensure and certification board established under IC 25-34.1-8 for specific courses and course subjects, as determined by the real estate appraiser licensure and certification board; and (2) that is designed to directly enhance the practitioner's knowledge and skill in providing services relevant to the practitioner's profession or occupation. The term includes an activity that is approved by the board for a profession or occupation, other than a real estate appraiser, and that augments the practitioner's knowledge and skill in providing services relevant to the practitioner's profession or occupation.
If the sponsoring organization does not fall under IC 25-1-4-02, they are required to apply to the Committee thirty (30) days prior to the presentation of the program.APPROVAL CERTIFICATES
Upon approval by the Committee, a certificate will be issued and mailed to the Sponsor.CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE
Sponsoring organizations are required to issue a “Certificates of Attendance” to each participant, which shall include, the following information:- Name of Sponsor
- Name of Program
- Date of Program
- Number of continuing education hours awarded
Fee Schedule
- Respiratory Care Applications/Renewals
Respiratory Care Application/Renewal Fee Penalty Total Student Permit $25 NA $25 Temporary Permit by Examination $25 NA $25 Temporary Permit by Endorsement $25 NA $25 Licensure by Examination $50 NA $50 Licensure by Endorsement $50 NA $50 Licensure by Credentials $50 NA $50 Renew Temporary Permit $10 NA $10 License Renewal by 12/31 of Even-numbered Years $50 NA $50 License Renewal after 12/31 of Even-numbered Years $50 $50 $100