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Who is eligible for Worker's Compensation Benefits?

WCB Mission Statement

To provide efficient dispute resolution for injured workers and employers by administering both formal adjudication and informal dispute resolution services; to serve the public by answering inquiries regarding the Indiana Worker's Compensation system; and to collect statistical information regarding workplace injuries in Indiana.

News and Notices

Website Notices 08/21/2024

Attorneys who have not yet registered to take advantage of the Board’s digital portal for lawyers can now do so by clicking here. Those who have already created their profile do not need to do so again.

The Second Injury Fund status report is now available. Please click here for more information.

Website Notices 05/1/2024

The 2024 Self-Insurance application/renewal is due to the Board by July 31st. Forms and guidelines are now available. Please click HERE for more information and to download the forms.

Please pay via the State’s electronic payment system, which can be accessed at If you do not already have one, you may obtain a “unique identifier” to pay electronically by contacting the Board. This identifier will insure that your payment is secure and will allow a debit transaction directly from your company’s bank account for a $1.00 State user fee. The fee for using the credit card option will be higher; it is a percentage of your payment. Please always submit your application/renewal form with a your payment.

Website Notices 12/18/2023

The Second Injury Fund status report is now available. Please click here for more information.

Website Notices 12/13/2023

The WCB will begin electronically stamping successful PPI submissions with an Approval stamp on Thursday, December 14th.  The  response email sent to submitters will contain a stamped SF1043 PDF as an attachment, which will also appear on the adjuster’s dashboard moving forward.

Website Notices 09/01/2023

The PPI Submission Portal is now available to adjusters. Use of the Portal to submit PPIs will become mandatory on October 1, 2023.  The Portal is accessed through Gateway.  It allows adjusters to not only submit all documentation including the SF1043, Medical Report and Waiver electronically, but to monitor the status of each submission, once accepted, through review and approval.  There is a Help document available on the Board’s website as well as on Gateway.  You can also read it here.

Website Notices 08/09/2023

On August 14th, 2023, the WCB will begin testing a PPI Submission Portal. It is anticipated that it will be available for use by all adjusters on September 1, 2023.  Another blast will be sent to adjusters before the go live date. The portal will only be an available to adjusters for the time being. Use of the Portal to submit PPIs will become mandatory on October 1, 2023.

The PPI Submission Portal will be accessed through Gateway. It will allow adjusters to not only submit all documentation including the SF1043, Medical Report and Waiver electronically, but to monitor the status of each submission, once accepted, through review and approval.  There will be a Help document available on the Board’s website as well as on Gateway. You can also read it here.

Website Notices 06/21/2023

Compensation paid to workers injured after July 1, 2023 will be at a higher rate, per PL160. You can find the rates here.

Website Notices 05/25/2023

The 2023 Self-Insurance application/renewal is due to the Board by July 31st. Forms and guidelines are now available. Please click HERE for more information and to download the forms.

Please pay via the State’s electronic payment system, which can be accessed at If you do not already have one, you may obtain a “unique identifier” to pay electronically by contacting the Board. This identifier will insure that your payment is secure and will allow a debit transaction directly from your company’s bank account for a $1.00 State user fee. The fee for using the credit card option will be higher; it is a percentage of your payment. Please always submit your application/renewal form with a your payment.

Website Notices 03/20/2023

PPI Guidelines have been updated and reflect new citations within IC 22-3-3-10 per PL 160. Please review here.

Website Notices 01/24/2023

Public Law 160 added legislation about payment of claims (IC 22-3-7.2) beginning on January 1, 2023. Please see here for additional information on interest rate.

Website Notices 12/19/2022

2023 Second Injury Fund Assessment and Report are available here. Certificate for Self-Insured Employers can be found here. Certificate for Carriers can be found here.

Website Notices 12/12/2022

Two documents found on the Board’s website have been updated:

Procedural Guidance on Hospital and Facility Reimbursement, and Guidelines for Determining the Pecuniary Liability of an Employer to a Medical Service Facility may be found here. The new provisions in these documents will go into effect on January 1, 2023 for dates of service beginning in January. The changes are necessitated by amendments to the Worker’s Compensation Act made by Public Law 160. While these documents provide assistance, they are neither laws nor regulations.

Thank you!!

Website Notices 11/04/2022

PPI Guidelines have been updated and can be read here. Please remember this is only a guide to evaluating impairments and not a regulation.

Website Notices 10/14/2022

On October 14th, 2022 emails were sent to adjusters to complete the Board’s Adjuster Certification process to have access to the Adjuster Portal. This will allow for the electronic filing of certain forms, beginning with the Suspension of Benefits.  If you did not receive an email, please contact

Website Notices 10/14/2022

Second Injury Fund Status Report is available here.

Website Notices 4/13/2022

On March 18th, 2022, Governor Holcomb signed HB 1153 into law.  It is now Public Law 160 and can be found here.

Effective January 1, 2023, Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Center (ASC) will be added to the definition of "medical service facility" under the workers’ compensation law. ASCs will be reimbursed at 200% of the Medicare rate for the same procedure provided in the same facility on the same day.

Public Law 160 also increases benefits for injuries and disablements by 3% each year for four years, beginning on July 1, 2023.

It formalizes long-standing Board practice effective July 1, 2022, providing that if, after the occurrence of an accident, compensation is paid for temporary total disability or temporary partial disability, the two-year limitation period to file an application for adjustment of claim begins to run on the last date for which the compensation was paid.

It also establishes clean claim payment requirements related to workers’ compensation claims and removes outdated language and makes conforming amendments.

Website Notices 7/28/2021

Attorney  Portal

As a part of our ongoing efforts to bring more digital services to those who work with the Board, we are proud to announce the deployment of a new module for Appearances. As of 7/27/2021, appearances can be submitted to the Board electronically. You can find this new module after logging into the Portal via our Gateway. We have also added a section for 38911 responses that will be coming in the near future.

Once inside the Appearance module, you will have the option to search for a case. A combination of two out of three options is required to find a specific case: Dispute Number, Date of Injury, or Last Name.  After searching, select the party you wish to represent. Once submitted, an email will be sent to all attorneys already on the case. Additionally, in the case of a pro se plaintiff, the notice will be sent to the case coordinator and the pro se if we have an email for them.

Effective 8/30/2021, paper submissions of appearances will no longer be accepted by the Board. Those with a postmark of 8/30/2021 or hand delivered to the office as of that Monday or later will be destroyed. No notice of this will be provided.  Please update your current submission process from mailing in appearances to online submission anytime between July 27th and August 27th.  If you encounter difficulties with the Portal or Appearances, please contact Beth Wallace. As always, we are open to your feedback as well, which you can address to Linda Hamilton at

Website Notices 2/19/2021

As of 2/19/2021, SF 36097 can be submitted to the Board electronically here.

Effective 4/19/2021, paper submissions of SF 36097 will no longer be accepted by the Board and those sent in or dropped off will be destroyed. Please update your current submission process from mailing in SF 36097 to online submission.

Website Notices 7/15/2020

Beginning on Monday, July 20th, Applications for Adjustment of Claim, SF 29109 that do not specify the nature of the accidental injury will be considered “Incomplete."  Forms submitted with language such as “Plaintiff sustained a work-related injury in the course and scope of employment with the Employer” will have to be amended by sending in a new, complete Application. The file date will be the date the original documentation was received.

Until further notice, the Dispute Termination of Benefits tool will be unavailable as we upgrade our online offerings. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Website Notices 7/7/2020

Public Law 139-2020, previously SEA269, went into effect on 7/1/2020. This bill fixes the subrogation statute, changes the method of calculating visual impairments and implements a number of procedural changes.

Website Notices 10/31/2019

The Second Injury Fund status report is now available. Please click here for more information.

See Past News and Notices