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Don't let the dog walk you

How do I know if it’s the right time for a grant?

Before applying for a grant, have answers to three questions:

  1. Who am I as an artist right now? (Be honest.)
  2. How do I want to answer that question in the future? (Don’t overthink it.)
  3. What’s the next step? (The more specific you can be, the more prepared you are for a grant proposal.)

Grants are a tool for you. Before you start, ground yourself in your vision for your creative life and career. This will help you identify the right grants to pursue - and make it easier to walk away from the opportunities that don’t fit your goals.

You’ll likely see some version of the above questions in future grant applications you complete. Be clear, concise, and authentic in your answers. Grant reviewers usually appreciate passion and brevity, as long as you’re answering the question in the process.

PS - Having a hard time with these questions? Download and print a few copies of this worksheet. Work on it once a week. Give yourself permission for your answers to change, but look for commonalities or patterns that reappear through each version.

Now that you’ve centered yourself around your individual vision and goals, it’s time to find some opportunities.

Listings are not endorsements and do not necessarily represent the views of the Indiana Arts Commission or State of Indiana.

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