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Home Voice Technology
Amazon Echo (Alexa) & Google Home: You can use either Amazon Echo or Google Home compatible devices to connect with the State of Indiana. Current skills for both tools include:
- Travel Advisory - check on county-level travel statuses
- Find a State Employee – ask for contact information for any state employee to call or email them
- Contact information about state agencies – receive information on how to contact state agencies.
To make the skills work, you will need to enable them on your Amazon or Google devices.
Amazon: “Alexa, add the State of Indiana skill.”
Google: “Google, is there a travel advisory for Marion County?”
Text the State
Have a question about State government or conducting business with a state agency? Citizens can text the State Information Center: 1-855-463-5292
Live Chat
Between 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, citizens can chat with the State Information Center to answer questions about state government.
Chat Bot visitors will be able to instantly chat with an intelligent bot that can quickly search against public information sources to retrieve answers.
Mobile Applications
The State of Indiana offers a variety mobile apps to help citizens connect with government and find the services they need. The Indiana Office of Technology has developed four apps that are available for both iOS and Android. Below is a list of all the apps with links to download them. Mobile App
Department of Natural Resources
Preventing Injuries in Indiana
Report Hazards Indiana
Indiana Travel Advisories
Migrant Education Program Info
Stay Updated with
Emergency Numbers
Any Emergency
Crisis and Suicide Lifeline
Poison Control
Non-Emergency Police Department