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Cameras in Courts

Cameras in Indiana Trial Courts

Judicial officers around the state have the authority to allow news media into their courtrooms to record, photograph, and broadcast court proceedings that are not confidential.
Rule 2.17 of the Code of Judicial Conduct has long prohibited broadcasting, recording, or taking photographs of court proceedings and areas adjacent to courtrooms without prior approval by the Indiana Supreme Court. An order amending Rule 2.17, effective May 1, 2023, gives the discretion to allow cameras to the local judges.

Under the rule, cameras are prohibited in court unless authorized by the judge. Commentary included with the rule provides further conditions; for example, certain people—including minors and jurors—may not be shown on camera, only news media as defined in Ind. Code 34-46-4-1 may be authorized, and the judge may revoke authorization at any time for any reason.

Read Rule 2.17 of the Code of Judicial Conduct

Best Practices Guide

The Indiana Supreme Court has developed a best practices guide designed to help judges navigate the rule. The guide is approved by the Indiana Judicial Conference’s Community Relations Committee and the Court Security Committee. The Office of Judicial Administration—specifically its Office of Communication, Education, and Outreach (OCEO), Court Technology, and Office of Judicial and Attorney Regulation—endorse these practices.

Read the Best Practices Guide

Resources for Courts

Request form

Courts should consider a request form that could be provided to media to gather specific details of the request.

See draft form

E-notice how-to

Courts should generate an eNotice to parties. Follow the directions on the Odyssey cheatsheet that Court Technology developed.


Courts must post notice in the courtroom that news media may be present. Consider printing this sign for posting.

Download sign

Resources for Media

Court contacts

Media can find local court contact information in the Directory of Courts & Clerks in Indiana.

View directory

Court Policies

The Indiana Society of Professional Journalists is educating media about cameras in the courtroom and is posting court policies online for quick access.

See Policies