Programs for renters during COVID-19
For the health and safety of your family, it’s important for you to be able to stay in your home. If you have had trouble paying rent during the pandemic or have an eviction case already filed against you, help is available. You can look into one or all of these options for help with housing, depending on your needs.
More information
An Eviction Task Force in Indiana has been keeping track of local, state, and federal changes regarding evictions and housing throughout the pandemic.
Attention Landlords
Federal money may be available to help renters who qualify to pay their past due and ongoing rent, and you may be able to help them apply. Get more information, which varies by location:
You can also avoid the expense and hassle of filing eviction cases by requesting Fast-Track Facilitation. If you and your tenant(s) agree to participate, a neutral facilitator will be assigned to help you and your tenant negotiate a settlement. If an agreement can't be reached, filing a case is still an option.