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Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative

JDAI promotes placement of the right kids, in the right places, for the right reasons, for the right amount of time.

For more than 20 years nationally in both urban and rural jurisdictions, the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) has demonstrated that moving low-risk youth from secure detention into community-based alternative programs is excellent public policy. JDAI is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, focused on juvenile justice system improvement. In Indiana, JDAI is overseen by Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, Indiana Department of Correction, Indiana Supreme Court, Indiana Department of Child Services,  Indiana FSSA: Division of Mental Health & Addiction and Indiana Department of Education.

About JDAI

Learn about the eight core strategies and statistics regarding JDAI.

Participating Counties

Find out which counties are currently implementing JDAI.


Access numerous resources related to JDAI.