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Records and Documents Excluded from Public Access

Indiana Access to Court Records Rule 10 requires the Indiana Office of Court Services (IOCS) to create and maintain a list of court records, case records, and other documents excluded from public access under these rules. This list is to be made available to judicial officers, attorneys, and litigants.

This list is a resource for judicial officers, members of the bar, and the public. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of every Court Record, Case Record, or Other Document required to be excluded from public access by Indiana law, federal law, court rule, or case law. For example, this list does not include any records excluded from public access by federal law. Attorneys and members of the public may use this list but must also conduct their own legal research when determining whether a Court Record, Case Record, or Other Document must be excluded from public access.

Our office will not respond to any questions from attorneys or public about whether a court record should be excluded from the public. We consider questions of this nature to be legal advice and we are prohibited from providing legal advice to attorneys or the public.

List of Excluded Records and Documents

Access to Court Records Rules